Page 5 - The Edge - Spring 2018
P. 5
Support for Public Education Is NOT a Wedge Issue
In January, your AASBO Board opportunity to further undermine support
of Directors made the decision to for our public schools. Now, more than
withdraw as a plainti in the capital ever, we need to continue to work together
funding lawsuit against the state. Certainly, in each of our schools, our communities,
our decision was not made lightly and was and with our state’s leaders.
debated at great length. Our Board of This year, AASBO enters its 64th
Directors knew that this decision was not year supporting our schools by promoting
going to be popular with our other plainti the highest standards of school business
partners and our education supporters administration. Each of our members plays
across Arizona. e merits as to our decision a pivotal part in the sound management
have been widely discussed and hotly debated. of our schools from nance to technology
What I discovered, was that soon after, the to procurement to transportation. Our
debate became the proverbial line in the sand to communities, our Governing Boards and our
determine who stood where in supporting our district leadership need each of our members
public schools. to administer the resources our students need
Supporting public education is not a wedge to be academically successful. AASBO
issue for those of us who have done so for supports our members through high
many years. Public schools in each of our quality professional development,
communities demand support from every developing best practices, advocacy and
Arizonan. AASBO strongly believes and is being the primary source of accurate
committed toward the fact that our state business and operations information
leaders must nd solutions to support our for Arizona’s educational community.
public schools. eir responsibilities are The history of AASBO, the work
to provide for a public education for each of we’ve done and the causes we’ve championed
our kids throughout Arizona. will outlive this controversy. We will be
Wedge issues come from whether the right de ned instead by how we moved past
organization has made the right choices controversy to continue building
from someone else’s perspective. It should success for our schools. Again, p ublic
be understood that no one person or education is not a wedge issue. ose
organization has ownership or defines who choose to diminish the greatness
how we support our public schools. Each of public education will be on the wrong
of us plays a di erent and equally vital role side of history. ose, like AASBO and our
in the success of our schools, our students education partners across Arizona, will
and their teachers. We all need to move away continue to promote the greatness that
from conversations that lead to divisiveness, comes from public education not just for
criticism and undermining the work we do together. our communities, but for every single
We cannot create fractures in our long- student who graces our schools every day.
standing relationships. ese cracks create ¡Adelante!