Page 7 - The Edge - Spring 2018
P. 7
A Salute to Joanne Fimbres and Annette Moreno —
Legendary Leaders Who Raised the Bar
In his new book, “Raise the Bar & en…” author and educator gentlemen will continue to advance the many great things initiated
Nic Clement talks about how legendary leaders set very high by Joanne and Annette and I look forward to working with them
expectations and then go about exceeding them. It is with this in both as they begin their service on the AASBO Board of Directors.
mind that I would like to acknowledge the legendary leadership the And lastly, in welcoming new members, a big welcome to
AASBO Board of Directors has received over the past many years Shannon Gleave from Glendale ESD as our new Director for
by departing board members Joanne Fimbres and Annette Moreno. Child Nutrition. Shannon will be taking over the duties of Sandra
Both Joanne and Annette have demonstrated outstanding Schossow from Peoria USD who did an outstanding job in bringing
commitment to the Board and our association through their many professional development services for the food services leaders
activities and accomplishments, and their service has le AASBO in throughout our state.
a much better place. During her numerous terms as both Educational If you have a moment at our next membership meeting, please
Programs Director and Director for Business Administration, welcome our new Board members and let them know how much
Annette kept us on track to publish the annual School Finance we appreciate their willingness to serve our association. AASBO is
Manual with timely and accurate updates and with broad input from a great organization because we are led by legendary leaders who
numerous valuable resources. Additionally, Annette was an ever- never cease to raise the bar!
present volunteer at just about every AASBO and ASBO International
event or conference, always bringing a cheerful attitude and lending
hand to make our events such a success.
As Director for Member Services, Joanne was instrumental in
enhancing and expanding our member recognition and awards
program, in addition to implementing numerous scholarship
and charitable service programs that will continue to allow
The power of Mohave Cooperative us to give back to our community for many years to come.
Working in close cooperation with all of our event and
program committees, Joanne succeeded in raising thousands
lies within the strengths of our… of dollars to provide scholarships for our members and
for recently graduated JTED students to continue their
programs to completion. Her work has le a lasting legacy
that will be appreciated by our members and students
across the state for a long time to come.
Both Joanne and Annette deserve our most heart-
ê Compliant Cooperative Contracts felt thanks for all that they brought in outstanding
leadership and service to the AASBO Board of Directors
ê Purchase Order Reviews and in demonstrating their very positive support and
commitment to public education for all students across
ê Final Invoice Audits Arizona. ank you, Joanne and Annette!
As is also discussed in Nic Clement’s new book, great
leaders like Joanne and Annette not only contribute
ê Outstanding Staff Support to continue their work a er they have moved on. In this cheer !
outstanding service to their organization while serving,
they also inspire others to take up the reins of leadership
particular case, I would like to welcome Daniel O’Brien
from Mesa Public Schools as our new Director
of Business Administration and Martin
James from Deer Valley USD as our new
Director for Member Services. I know both ILLUSTRATION/andegraund548
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