Page 9 - The Edge - Spring 2018
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AVOID AFTER-THE-FACT PURCHASES e second warning is similar to the rst, and is used again
for education purposes and potential disciplinary action.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8 McCleery said, “We call it a three strike warning – and we
who initiated the purchase and the campus principal, then don’t want to get to number three.”
reviewed by the Business O ce, possibly by the district’s outside In No. 3, the violator and the principal would receive a
legal counsel, and the Purchasing O ce. All that information memorandum providing the date and time they are to appear
must be collected before a purchase order is issued and payment before the Governing Board to plead their case. e Governing
can be made. Board would then determine if the district will pay for the third
McCleery said it’s a learning process for school employees and infraction or if the individual and potentially the principal may
vendors. “In a notice, vendors are told that employees do not be held nancially responsible for payment to the vendor. e
have authority to commit district funds in any way,” she said. “It third violation leads to required disciplinary action, up to and
has to come through Purchasing.” including termination.
Phoenix Union has a three-step process within a 12-month “We have not had anybody hit strike three yet,” McCleery
period for warning school employees when an a er-the-fact said.
purchase is discovered.
In warning No. 1, Larson said the individual is required Lila McCleery, Division Manager Purchasing, Supply
to complete the Problem Payment Worksheet and sign the & Property, Center for Educational Services, Phoenix
warning memorandum. e principal receives a copy of the Union High School District, can be reached at mccleery@
memorandum. “We will send a letter to the vendor notifying or (602) 764-1400.
them that they provided services to an individual in the district
without a PO and that they run the risk of not being paid by the Larry Larson, Contract Management Specialist, Center for
district,” Larson said. “ e rst notice is to be used for educational Educational Services, Phoenix Union High School District,
purposes, where the principal discusses with the individual the can be reached at or (602)764-
correct purchasing policy.” 1402.