Page 32 - The Edge - Summer 2021
P. 32


                                                                                  Todd Simmons
        WiFi Invaluable for Teaching in Class, at Home

        Using  a  school  bus  as  an  analogy  for  the  early  forms  of   real time, store project files in the Cloud, and improve their
        WiFi,  Todd  Simmons  of  Logicalis  told  AASBO  members   teamwork skills. Wi-Fi in education even allows students to
        how  schools,  teachers  and  students  benefit  from  the  latest   collaborate with peers from other schools. What’s more, its
        technology.                                             mobility  allows  users,  including  teachers  and  students,  to
                                                                move from one place or room to another to access network
        In  a  breakout  session  during  AASBO’s  virtual  Spring   resources, according to Simmons.
        Conference, Simmons suggested that a school bus that could
        take only one student at a time to and from school would be   Before the pandemic, not everybody had computers or internet
        a lot like the initial version of WiFi. He discussed new and   access, Simmons recalled. “They weren’t doing things online.
        emerging  technologies  that  school  districts  can  utilize  to   Last March (of 2020), that changed. We had to figure out a
        increase the engagement of staff and students.          way to keep everybody together. We moved everything to the
                                                                Cloud applications. Students were connecting to those Cloud-
        Wireless connectivity, often known as Wi-Fi, is the technology   based  sessions.  Everybody  has  to  have  access.  Now,  we’re
        that  allows  a  PC,  laptop,  mobile  phone,  or  tablet  device  to   seeing middle and elementary schools using computers, but
        connect at high speed to the internet without the need for a   never had it in that scale. It’s one-to-one – we need computers.”
        physical wired connection.                              As schools, and indeed the nation, move out of the pandemic,
                                                                tools that got us through those challenges “are going to stick
        Before outlining how WiFi 6 can help the education community   around,” Simmons said. There is a need for better methods
        move  forward,  Simmons  provided  some  history.  Originally,   to  keep  us  all  connected.  “That’s  where WiFi  6  comes  in,”
        WiFi  was  called  802.11,  and  then  numbers  and  letters  were   he  said.  “The  Covid  pandemic  decentralized  education  and
        added, such as – get this – b/a/g/n/ac/ax/xoxo/gr8/irl/tmi, he   forced educators to the Cloud. Students will continue to use
        said,  adding,  “Engineers  developed  letters  for  functionality,   the Cloud-based applications.”
        but  it  got  to  be  so  long  –  it  became  nerdy  talk.  Only  nerds
        could understand this.”                                 The need is for more and faster access, he said. Toward the
                                                                end of the school year, virtually all schools were open, but a
        WiFi  evolved  to  what  is  currently  WiFi  6,  which  Simmons   few  were  divided  between  teaching  students  in  classrooms
        said  is  new  and  improved.  It’s  not  the  internet,  it’s  a  piece   and at home. Whether using Zoom or Google, it’s important
        of  transportation,  thus  the  school  bus  analogy.  “WiFi  6  is   so kids at home can see their teacher, Simmons said.
        now a bus with rockets on it,” he said. “You can have nine
        conversations at a time. It just moves stuff from one place to   The  best  part,  he  said,  is  that  WiFi6  is  100%  mobile.  A
        another.”                                               teacher can move from a classroom to a lab, still maintaining
                                                                a connection with students. Schools are upgrading technology
                                                                to allow teaching in class and at home.
        “WiFi 6 is now a bus with rockets on it.”
                                                                “This has been such a ridiculous year,” Simmons said. “We’re
        Recalling earlier versions of WiFi, he said it was quite slow.   doing things differently than we have in the past 20, 30 years.
        “It could only do one thing at a time,” Simmons said, meaning   We’re  moving  forward.  Teachers  are  helping  student  more
        it could only serve one student at a time.              than ever.”

        He compared earlier WiFi to a CD radio – one person talks   As the pandemic lingered, some teachers taught kids in the
        and  everybody  has  to  listen.  Only  one  device  per  channel   classroom  while  others  only  taught  kids  who  stayed  home,
        could talk at a time. As soon as two devices attempted to talk   Simmons said. With WiFi 6, teachers can teach in-class and
        at the same time, all communication has to be reset, he said.  at-home students together.
        “How  can  you  make  sure  that  everybody  is  listening  when
        teachers talk?” Simmons asked.                          Russell  Deneault  of  Glendale  Elementary  School  District
                                                                and  AASBO  Director  of  Information  Technology  served
        WiFi  6  changed  that.  It  works  so  well  in  schools  because   as  moderator  for  Simmons’  presentation.  At  the  close,  he
        it  provides  the  ability  to  have  conversations  with  multiple   remarked:  “It’s a new world we’re entering into.”
        devices  simultaneously.  By  using  Wi-Fi  6,  students  can
        quickly  and  easily  share  documents,  edit  presentations  in   Todd  Simmons  can  be  reached  at:

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