Page 14 - AASBO Winter 2019.indd
P. 14


                              BY DON HARRIS

                              Lawmakers from Both Parties Agree on More

                              Funding for Public Schools
            Sen.-elect Heather Carter

              Heading into the 2019 legislative session, a panel of lawmakers –      e moderator was Katie Campbell, a reporter with Arizona Capitol
            three Democrats and two Republicans – generally expressed hope   Times.
            that common ground can be reached on key issues relating to public      e lawmakers were asked what they expect for the upcoming
            education.                                             session of the Legislature. Fernandez, the incoming House Minority             HIGH-QUALITY, AFFORDABLE
              But one member of the panel, incoming Sen. J.D. Mesnard, who   Leader, said she hopes that there will be “honest debate” on the
            was last session’s House Majority Leader, said he doesn’t expect   issues and expects to see something to bene  t everyone.
            many changes, even though the GOP margin over Democrats in the   Carter, who completed eight years in the House and was elected   PROPERTY & CASUALTY PROTECTION
            House has shrunk to 31-29.                             to the Senate in the November 6 General Election, said the focus
              In addition to Mesnard, panel members were Rep. Charlene  will be on the budget and education   nance, moving forward “in a
            Fenandez, D-Yuma; incoming Sen. Heather Carter, R-Cave Creek,   bipartisan fashion.”                                                         FOR ARIZONA SCHOOLS
            who is moving over from the House; Rep. Reginald Bolding,   Bolding said he hopes that more ideas from both sides of the aisle
            D-Laveen; and Sen. David Bradley, D-Tucson.    ey were part of the   will be given consideration. “Members of the majority will have to
            Legislative Workshop on November 16 sponsored by the Arizona   work with the other side,” he said.
            School Boards Association, along with the Arizona Association of                                                                     We strive to be the irreplaceable partner to our 249 member
            School Business O   cials and the Arizona School Administrators.                     CONTINUED ON PAGE 16                                districts, both rural and urban, by o ering incomparable

                                                                                                                                                                        programs, value, and service.

                 Proudly serving                                                   Jim Giel | 602.257.7495                                                                       LEARN MORE:
                 the public fi nance                                                Tim Stratton | 602.257.7465                                      800.266.4911 | THE-TRUST.ORG
                 legal needs of                                                    Fred Rosenfeld | 602.257.7413
                 Arizona’s schools.                                                Shelby Exposito | 602.257.7498

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