Page 11 - AASBO Winter 2019.indd
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           WINTER IS                                                                    Upcoming Project...


             As we welcome Winter and the changes
             in season, Sun Valley Builders would
             like to offer our construction services:

             •  Remodel Projects                                      MESA COMMUNITY COLLEGE GREENHOUSE

             •  Repair / Modification Projects                       The Mesa Community College Greenhouse Project
             •  New Construction Projects                            consists of a complete tear down of the existing
                                                                     greenhouse and installation of a much larger biotech
                                                                     greenhouse. These greenhouses are used in algae
            TREVOR BROWNE HIGH CLASSROOM BUILDING                    production, wastewater treatment, biomass fuel
                                                                     development as well as other environmental management.
             The new 11,285 sqft classroom building at Trevor Browne
             High School shall provide eight (8) classrooms and two (2)
             computer labs. One of the classrooms is equipped for          Please feel free to reach out to
             athletic training services, including a whirlpool, treatment   Jessica Clanton via email at
             tables, ice machines, and instruction area.    for a

             The site improvements include a beautiful hardscape for the   FREE Estimate and be sure to let her
             new courtyards and three (3) basketball courts.         know you saw us in the AASBO Edge!

            Sun Valley Builders                                                             Phone: 623.466.0420
            Turning Visions into Reality                                                        Fax: 602.419.2101
            roc 293232 b-1                                                 
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