Page 6 - AASBO Winter 2019.indd
P. 6


                              BY DON HARRIS

                              Kathy Ho  man, new state schools chief,

                              gets a rousing welcome, lists priorities                                                                                                                                     Arizona’s Leader in
            Kathy Hoff man

              Greeted with an enthusiastic welcome, Kathy Ho  man, the  Association, the Arizona Association of School Business O   cials                                                                    Sun/UV Protection
            incoming state superintendent of public instruction, thanked  and the Arizona Superintendents Association, noting their wealth
            the hundreds of school o   cials at the 2018 Legislative Workshop  of information and experience. She promised to call on them and
            sponsored by three public education groups.            send emails seeking their input. She also invited any in the audience                                                                               Mohave Contract Holder
              “It would not have been possible without your support,” said   who might be interested in joining her o   ce to apply for a position.
            Ho  man, who was introduced as a millennial and at age 32 the   When she takes o   ce in January 2019, she said she would bring
            youngest person ever elected to head the state Department of  energy to the position and launch an internal review of the overall
            Education. She also thanked teachers and parents of public school  operation. Ho  man said she sees the Department of Education
            students who voted for her in the November 6 General Election.  as an agency of service, serving the community, public schools,
              Ho  man is the   rst Democrat elected to the o   ce of state   parents and students.
            schools superintendent since C. Diane Bishop served from 1987   Ho  man, an educator and certi  ed speech therapist, said the
            to 1995.                                               daily e  ort of campaigning in the primary and general elections                                                                                       Let Us Help
              She looked out over her audience at the November 16
            conference, which was sponsored by the Arizona School Boards                          CONTINUED ON PAGE 8
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            6                                                                                  THE EDGE  |  WINTER 2019
                                                                                                                                                                                                           5711 W. Washington, Phoenix, AZ 85043
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