Page 5 - AASBO Winter 2019.indd
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Celebrate a Year for Public Education — Increased
Funding and Greater Participation in AASBO Programs
Now that we have wrapped up another successful your participation in these valuable programs, even if
AASBO year while putting away a little money in the bank your district is limited in what it can provide for additional
and looking back on the outstanding array of professional employee training. Increasing your productivity and
development and conferences conducted, this time of year knowledge in your discipline is not only good for you and
is always a good opportunity to re ect on our successes and your district, but also has a positive impact on the reputation
look forward to the months ahead. and environment for education across the state.
I believe this past And speaking of having
year marks significant a positive impact on
achievements in two main education this year, we are
areas: the addition of certainly still celebrating the
approximately $500 million passage of the $10.4 billion
in new education funding spending plan in early May
for scal year 2019 passed that included a 9 percent
by the Legislature and the teacher pay hike for next
outstanding growth we year, and 5 percent hikes
have seen in participation the following two years. e
for all of our professional spending plan also included
development programs. $95 million to restore
For our PD programs, cuts to District Additional
one of the highlights of the Assistance, $5 million
feedback we have been for Charter Additional
receiving on our conferences Assistance, and if you add
and classes and workshops in funding for student
throughout the year is growth and funding for
perfectly summarized by in ation, the total comes to
this survey response: “ is approximately $500 million
is a great PD opportunity, in new education funding for
please continue to offer it scal year 2019.
and keep it small. e focus This unprecedented
on leadership is perfect, we increase is proof positive
all need more leadership that e ducation funding is of
tools to manage our teams!” concern to the voters of this
is was from one of our state and that our elected
attendees to the 2 AASBO officials are beginning to
Leadership Institute held in realize the negative reaction
Flagstaff this past October at the polls to their disregard
and is a statement I believe of this issue.
that could be applied to We look forward to
all of our professional another outstanding year of
development initiatives. providing PD opportunities
Helping to provide PD for our members and having
opportunities for members to take back to their districts is a positive impact at the state Legislature. By improving the
at the core of the AASBO mission and it is very gratifying work that is done every day in the business o ces of school
to see so many of our members taking advantage of these districts across the state, we are having a signi cant impact
programs. in advancing the education of over 1 million students in
Please make sure to check out the AASBO scholarship Arizona – that is an accomplishment we can all share in
information available on our website so you can increase celebrating!