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KATHY HOFFMAN GETS ROUSING WELCOME Her third priority, she said, is the ongoing teacher shortage.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 She wants to explore how to make “the teaching profession more
attractive for our young, aspiring new teachers and how we can
retain our experienced teachers to make sure they want to stay in
reminded her of when she was a competitive swimmer in school the profession.” Among the issues are workload and competitive
and her team participated in a national competition. “We worked pay and various bene ts. “Can we provide paid parental leave?”
hard day in and day out, pushing each other,” Ho man said. “ e she said “We’ll be looking at child care options.”
drive and hard work prepared me for this.” Ho man said she will establish committees to see what kind of
She added: “I plan to surround myself with good people and solutions they can come up with for schools in metropolitan and
experts in the eld with a common goal of prioritizing our public rural areas. “We’ll be looking outside the box,” she said. “ is is a
schools and making sure that every child, no matter where they pivotal moment in history.”
live, no matter their background, has access to a quality public Later that day, Ho man announced the appointment of John
school education. at will continue to be my main priority.” Carruth as her Chief of Sta . He is Vail School District associate
Ho man described the upcoming session of the Legislature as superintendent, a position he has held for 15 years. She also named
“the next tornado” she will face, and plans to meet with legislators as her Communications Director Richie Taylor, who formerly worked
from both parties beforehand seeking common ground on key issues. for the Maricopa County Human Services Department, and currently
Her legislative priorities include charter school reform, calling is Communications Manager in the New York City Mayor’s O ce.
for more accountability and transparency. She noted the existence According to a story in the Arizona Capitol Times, Ho man, a
of competition, and said she wants the system to be fairer for political newcomer, was buoyed by the Red for Ed movement and
charter and district schools. Democratic energy across Arizona. In the Democratic primary
Another of Ho man’s priorities will be to look at English in August, she defeated David Schapira, a former state legislator
language instruction and policies. She said Arizona has among and member of the Tempe Union High School District Governing
the lowest rates of high school graduation by English Language Board. In the General Election, Ho man defeated Republican
Learners in the nation. “ is is unacceptable,” she said. Frank Riggs, a former California congressman.
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