Page 17 - The Edge - Summer 2020
P. 17
Good from Far, but Far from Good
connectivity to the internet for classroom and enrichment primarily, our district’s general fund (maintenance and
exercises was really the least of their concerns. Many of operations) for the remainder of this year. In addition, we
the families within poverty provide income to their homes implemented a hiring freeze on any vacated positions for
in one or more disciplines where remote work may not the remainder of this year, outside of securing qualified
be an available option. This could leave students in a teaching candidates, and other hard-to-fill positions for
vulnerable position, while putting their own health and when our students return.
well-being at risk.
We remain committed to providing the 20% adjustment for
"It is no secret that our schools teachers in alignment with the 20x2020 initiative, and are
working to carry as large of a balance as possible forward
are embedded within our into next year to help mitigate and absorb the unknowns
communities and serve as a vital for next year under the current year funding methodology.
and necessary function within We are hopeful for relief from the Legislature that will
provide some stability in an otherwise turbulent state.
society. Not only do we offer the Additionally, we do not know the comfort level of
academic and social components students, their families or staff members in willing to
return to school or work in a traditional sense. Serving
necessary in the development of students in preschool through eighth grade, opening in a
youth, but sometimes also serve virtual environment would be very challenging for those
early primary grades. We understand that we will likely
as the only advocate for a child." need to change the way in which we provide our services
– but want to make sure that those changes are to the
It is no secret that our schools are embedded within our benefit of the district.
communities and serve as a vital and necessary function
within society. Not only do we offer the academic and My role within the school district requires me to consider
social components necessary in the development of all the fiscal components in the overall operation of a
youth, but sometimes also serve as the only advocate for school district. Moving beans from one jar to another to
a child. Schools can identify and report potential cases meet the needs of our schools is a task that I complete every
of abuse, neglect and violence, all of which have seen a day. With the help of my colleagues and the partnerships
significant drop since the closure of schools. Schools may formed through AASBO, I try to make reasonable
be the only safe place that a student feels that they can go forecasts on favorable and, potentially, harmful impacts
to escape the turmoil, pain and trauma within their own to our school district. However, none of these really mean
home or situation. as much as ensuring that a child is loved, safe and cared
Without question, there will be some challenges when
(if?) school resumes in the fall. Through at least fiscal Over the course of our lives, I believe that we begin to
year 2021, the state revenue forecast will continue take certain services for granted, and a tragic or traumatic
to be linked to the COVID-19 pandemic, but current event permits us with the opportunity to reflect and
projections surrounding the COVID-19 virus projections refocus. I hope that, through this, more will see the value
are extremely speculative and change weekly. This is that is provided by our schools and those that support
causing economic forecasting to be more difficult than their operations.
usual, and the Joint Legislative Budget Committee’s
estimated $1.1 billion shortfall could differ by $500
million in either direction. Without knowing the true
financial impact of COVID-19 on the district for next Dale Ponder serves as Treasurer on the AASBO Board of
year, we had already made the decision to implement a Directors and is the Chief of Finance & Operations for
spending freeze on all non-essential expenditures from, Crane Elementary School District in Yuma.