Page 20 - The Edge - Summer 2020
P. 20

Experts Explain Do’s and Don’ts of Bond and Override Elections


        written notification to county officials. Remember, early   difficult during summer vacation.
        voting starts October 7 for the November 3 election this year.
                                                               Communication with the county covers polling places, drop
        Gales said a reputable bond election counsel will make sure   off facilities, type of election, preparation of the pamphlet,
        the notification contains the correct information in the proper   typesetting, translation, printing and mailing.
        language. Bond lawyers will help districts meet deadlines.   It was recommended that the district have a point person,
        Once an election resolution is adopted by the Governing   someone to take all the questions from the public or media,
        Board, it doesn’t have to go back to the Board.        get the answers and be in communication with counsel.

        “I  like  to  see  a  list  of  purposes,  and  I  want  the  Governing   The  pamphlet proofs come  from  the  county with  a  24-hour
        Board to sign off,” Gales said.                        turnaround, possibly a couple of weeks before the school fall
                                                               semester starts. If the proofs only go to the district, make sure
        The voter pamphlet is put together with the county schools   they are forwarded to counsel and the banker, Stein said. “We
        superintendent and is subject to edits by counsel. A relatively   want our eyes back on it,” Stein said. “Everybody wants to see
        new legislative change requires that in bond elections the total   it one more time. Also, check the Spanish translation.”
        cost be in bold.
                                                               Regarding the pamphlet, for example some districts cite the
        When it comes to timing considerations, Stein said it’s   need for a specific number of buses. Others simply state the
        easiest to work backward. For example, if you use a citizens   money is for capital purposes. “That’s super broad,” Stein
        committee, how many weeks will you need to present to them   noted. “Voters may want more specific information. It reduces
        and to notify the county to call for an election.  “Sooner is   your flexibility, but it might get you more buy-in.”
        better than later,” she said.
                                                               Felten of Paradise Valley recommends planning internally 18
        Changes require a Governing Board quorum, which can be
                                                                                           CONTINUED ON PAGE 22

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        20                                                                             THE EDGE  SUMMER 2020
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