Page 24 - The Edge - Summer 2020
P. 24
Officials Chart a Conservative Financial Path for Schools
“Get online and post questions or answers,” Mee meetings. We look at planning and debriefing plans
said, “or even a great idea. We are in the networking and initiatives – what’s working, what should we do
business. Our greatest asset is to network.” differently, both internally and externally, with our
Wohlleber, immediate past president of the Association
of School Business Officials International, was asked Slovitsky was asked: “How is this going to affect how
by moderator Melissa Higdon of FORECAST5 how you are delivering services now and in the future, for
he is communicating, how often, with whom, and learning and for support services?”
what priorities is he discussing?
“The first challenge is to get students up to where
“Communication is more important than ever,” they can learn remotely,” Slovitsky said.
Wohlleber said, recommending the goal of “managing
the messaging.” It’s important that staff, students One way to support students is to help certified
and their families hear from the schools rather than teachers during this time of remote learning, she
from outside sources about “what we’re doing to said. It’s important to continue to maintain facilities,
accommodate students during these critical times,” and trying to find various ways to get support staff
he said. engaged. With the Business Office, much of the
payroll work is done by staff at home, communicating
with computers, she said, but occasionally they come
into the office.
“Be consistent in supporting your staff,” Slovitsky
Bowler’s question: “What are you doing to keep your
employees engaged?” Glendale Union is conducting
regular meetings with staff, using videos and other
tools available from The Trust, he said. Bus drivers
and maintenance people are not on site every day,
but they are answering phones and staying connected
with what is going on, he said.
Wohlleber suggested making sure employees feel that
what they’re doing is meaningful and productive,
builds a skill set or leads to projects that perhaps had
Communication with students and families should been set aside. “You can bring those project to the
come from the teachers and principals, he said. forefront,” he said. “Now you have time.”
Strategy should involve determining what needs to be
communicated, how best to do it and how often, and Slovitsky agreed. Schools are restructuring
who communicates with local government entities. employees’ time in certain ways, she said, “So,
Many staff members have shifted to using emails to maybe some good is coming out of this.”
communicate, but some families don’t have internet
access. On a question of who reports to physical sites and
who works from home, Wohlleber said Casa Grande
“The priority starts with staying safe – what we can Elementary analyzes the technical ability and skill
all do to stay safe, to help reduce stress, bring some set of staff – what are people capable of. “Who works
sense of normalcy to learning or work routines,” where is an evolving situation,” Wohlleber said.
Wohlleber said. “We do weekly leadership virtual “We brought back some custodial and maintenance