Page 8 - The Edge - Summer 2020
P. 8
Cheryl Burt Monique Harris Cindi Hostetler Roger Spivey
End Users Need to Know Procurement Rules and Regs
End users may not be procurement experts, but it’s training for all secretaries in 16
important for them to understand the process and be in schools. “That’s in the first week
compliance with all the rules, regulations and statutes. after summer break,” he said.
“We go over some of the basics,
A panel of school business experts at AASBO’s Vendor/ with the office manager asking
Buyer Conference earlier this year suggested some best questions.”
practices for end users, spelled out the perils of after-
the-fact purchases and told how to train secretaries and Issue No. 2: What are the
other staff in various aspects of purchasing. roles of end users to ensure
Panel members, who discussed several key topics were
Monique Harris, Tempe Elementary School District; Burt said she does “a lot of hand
Cheryl Burt, Buckeye Elementary School District; Cindi holding.” She provides written
Hostetler, Tempe Union High School District; and Roger procedures for end users on how
Spivey, Litchfield Elementary School District. they should do online quotes.
Issue No. 1: How are end users trained on Harris is a big believer of
procurement process in your organization? end users taking ownership.
“They must understand the
Hostetler said her team tries to visit each site annually, requirements,” she said.
using overheads to provide a game-show atmosphere for “However, we get people from
anyone who handles student activities or district funds. other districts saying their
“We ask questions and get feedback,” she said. In addition, Purchasing Department did
Tempe Union High School District provides ongoing that. We explain to them there
training and posts vital information on its website. is a lot on their plate. I manage
our website. We’re taking
Burt, noting that Buckeye Elementary is a relatively on additional roles. Try to
small district, doesn’t have any formal training. “We understand that.”
typically invite them to the district office rather than
going to them,” she said. That enables visiting staff to Spivey said it’s very much a shared responsibility. “I
easily obtain information from accounts payable and don’t have staff,” he said. “We hold their hands until
accounts receivable in the district’s Financial Office. they’re capable. We don’t allow end users to get three
Burt recalled that when she was at Tolleson Union written quotes. We do that internally.”
High School District, student activities had to follow
procurement rules and were required to undergo training. Hostetler recommends looking at previous contracts that
“They were more motivated,” she said. the district has done due diligence on. “At Tempe, we
want to empower them, but ultimately the Purchasing
Harris said Tempe Elementary has training videos that Department is responsible for that compliance,” she
the office manager brings to the various school sites. said. “We give them training forms, how to compare
“We try to think a little bit outside the box,” she said, apples to apples. Before a buyer turns that requisition
adding that fifth graders were used in a mock purchasing into a purchase order, we review. If we don’t feel quotes
situation. “They played the part of buyer and seller. It are the same, we may kick it back to them. It’s easy for
was effective,” she said. me to reach out to another vendor. But before it becomes
a purchasing order, it stops at Purchasing.”
Spivey said Litchfield Elementary conducts annual