Page 10 - The Edge - Summer 2020
P. 10


                          BY KEITH OARDE
                          Unemployment Insurance Advice During the Pandemic

        Keith Oarde

        The personal toll of the COVID-19 outbreak extends well beyond   attending to the UI program process; and (2) maintaining good
        illness and loss of life. Many millions of  Americans remain   documentation.
        healthy but have lost their jobs. In some cases these are layoffs
        or temporary furloughs. In other cases the jobs are gone for good.  The unemployment insurance process can involve numerous forms,
                                                                deadlines, due dates, and checkpoints.  Tracking and managing
        In  Arizona, the unemployment insurance numbers paint a   all of this — that is, following the standard process — can trip
        disheartening picture. According to the Arizona  Department of   up employers, especially when unemployment claim volume is
        Economic Security (DES), during the second week of March   high, when employees are offsite and out of their standard work
        2020, there were 3,844 initial claims for unemployment insurance   routines, etc.
        and 17,595 continuing claims. These figures indicated a generally

        strong, healthy employment situation. A mere seven weeks later,   On most claims, though, there will be two critical mileposts to
        however, during the week of May 2 (the most recent for which   which you need to pay particular attention.
        data are available at this writing), the numbers had deteriorated
        badly. Initial unemployment claims had rocketed to 43,087, and
        continuing claims had jumped to 283,864.

        Unemployment  insurance  figures  are  expected  to  remain  at
        unprecedented levels for some time. This is not just because of the
        swift, sharp economic downturn. It’s also because both the federal
        government and the state of Arizona have taken steps to make
        unemployment compensation more generous and more readily

        At the federal level, this includes an increase in the weekly benefit

        (amount and period), and assistance targeted to those specifically   The  first  is  receipt  of  the  Notice  to  Employer,  Form  UB-110.

        affected by the COVID situation who would otherwise be   You’ll receive this notice when a former employee has filed an

        ineligible for benefits. In Arizona, the Legislature passed and the   unemployment insurance claim, and DES is requesting information
        governor signed legislation that waived: (1) the waiting period for   from you. If you want to be sure your rights are preserved in

        a claimant to receive unemployment insurance benefits; and (2)   the claim determination process, you need to respond within 10
        the requirement that a claimant be able, available, and actively   business days of the mail date indicated on the form.
        seeking work.
                                                                If your response to UB-110 indicates that you protest the payment
                                                                of unemployment benefits, there’s a second milepost to watch for:

        "Unemployment insurance figures are                      receipt  of  Determination  of  Deputy,  Form  UB-100.  This  form
                                                                contains DES’s determination as to whether the former employee
        expected  to remain  at  unprecedented  is eligible for unemployment benefi ts. If you disagree with this

        levels for some time."                                  determination, you may file a written appeal within 15 days of
                                                                the date of the determination. That appeal will result in a hearing,
                                                                which has its own set of requirements and timetables. These also
        The long and the short of all of this is that many Arizona school   need to be adhered to.
        districts have seen, and will continue to see, a noticeable increase
        in unemployment insurance claims and a longer duration of claims   Effectively responding to eligibility determinations with which you
        that are already on the books.                          disagree brings us to our second topic from above: documentation.
                                                                Employers must understand that documentation can often sway the
        This makes it more important than ever for districts to follow   outcome of the UI claims process. Employers who have retained
        proper protocols in managing their unemployment insurance   and can produce relevant documentation typically have the best
        programs. Here we’ll focus on two essential considerations: (1)   opportunity for a fair evaluation of the claim. Such documentation
                                                                                            CONTINUED ON PAGE 12

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