Page 9 - The Edge - Summer 2020
P. 9

Issue No. 3: What steps can be taken to prevent after-  is ever going to change. The fastest way to hold back a
        the-fact purchases?                                    little is when someone says we’re not paying this, that
                                                               you will pay this.”
        Spivey suggested educating the end users on their
        responsibilities on goods and services being purchased,   Hostetler told of a booster club that had to pay $1,600
        making sure they understand the consequences. One      for a banquet because they didn’t do the purchase order
        way to reduce after-the-fact purchases, he said, is that it   the right way. The booster club came in with an after-the
        becomes part of the employee’s evaluation. “Violations   fact and the district was already over the threshold. “The
        in financial compliance or in purchasing are tied to   booster club had to pay,” she said.
        performance pay,” he said. “It ties together.”
                                                               Hostetler said she has a PowerPoint presentation that
        Hostetler said  the after-the-fact  issue is really  “a   she would provide to other districts for training and
        balancing act.” If you ordered 25 shirts and the sponsor   informational purposes.
        needs five more after-the-fact, we do a revision and
        document what happened,” she said.                     “In training, I tell all of my end users, the Number One
                                                               rule is never, ever purchase without a purchase order.
        Documentation has to be clear. “Do you have a good     Remember that one thing.  That really helps.   When
        reason?” Hostetler said. “The auditor will want to know   someone is telling you a story, if it feels like BS, call
        if you covered something or did you have justification.   them on it. Tell them no auditor will accept this. Make
        And, did you get budget approval before you actually   them  write  out  that  this  is  what  they’re  going  to  do
        spent that money?”                                     better.”

        Her solid advice: “No matter what we’re doing, we’re   Remember, vendors want to comply, too, she said. “It’s
        documenting. Keep that in mind.   If you don’t have    better than losing a contract – and money.”
        some sort of peak in your after-the-fact issues, no one

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