Page 28 - The Edge - Fall 2018
P. 28

District Procurement Compliance                        over $100,000 require additional federal procurement clauses
        Continued from page 26                                 not always found in our regular formal procurement documents
                                                               and cooperative contracts.
                                                                  The School Facilities Board (SFB) is charged with adopting
        Documenting three quotes from a cooperative or multiple  rules establishing minimum school facility guidelines, assessing
        cooperatives in the form of a written determination and  school buildings against these guidelines, and providing monies
        justifying the selection based upon the quotes obtained would  to bring the buildings up to the guidelines. In providing monies,
        certainly comply with the requirement. However, there is no  SFB has established procurement guidelines that can be more
        specific requirement to obtain quotes from cooperatives and  restrictive than the School District Procurement Rules.
        should only be considered as a best practice recommendation.   Districts should work with their liaisons and review the
        The most important thing is to provide a written justification on  procurement decision matrix on the SFB website to ensure
        just how your district chose the particular cooperative vendor  compliance with procurement requirements imposed by the
        contract. The State Board of Education is working on a specific  SFB. Failure to comply with SFB procurement requirements can
        rule that should give us further guidance.             result in funding being denied. The SFB is continually working
           I serve on a Cooperative Purchasing Committee with the  toward developing procurement procedures that will ensure
        Arizona Capitol Chapter of National Institute of Governmental   the best possible expenditure of funds. So it is important to
        Purchasing (NIGP) and we                                                         keep in touch with your liaison
        have been working on best                                                        on all procurement issues and
        practices and justifications for   While most people in Arizona                  questions and review the website
        cooperative purchases for years                                                  for updates regularly.
        – our work is very reflective of   recognize the budget bill that gave             We all know that school
        the new rationale determination                                                  district procurement operates
        requirements. You can find     our teachers a much needed raise,                 in a fish bowl. School district
        some great  recommendations                                                      procurement is audited to
        for justifying cooperative      that bill also clarified and added               an even higher    level  than
        purchases and information on                                                     state agencies, cities, counties
        specific cooperatives that may    procurement requirements to                    and higher education in Arizona.
        be available to schools districts                                                When “non-compliance” is
        at:    school districts. The bill reiterated             discovered, the media will not
        insidepages/contracts. I am                                                      hesitate to report on it. As I travel
        also happy to work with any    conflict-of-interest requirements                 around the state and work with
        districts to help them navigate                                                  school districts on procurement
        best practices to comply with this   and the personal and criminal               matters, I always stress that,
        new cooperative procurement                                                      “Procurement Compliance is Job
        requirement.                      liabilities for violations of the              1.” OK, I kind of took that from
           Federal  purchasing  for your                                                 Ford and I drive a Chevy.  But,
        school  nutrition  programs is           procurement rules.                      it has never been truer than it is
        under scrutiny by the Health                                                     today that compliance is the most
        and Nutritional Services at the                                                  important job for an Arizona
        Department of Education. Your                                                    school procurement official. It is
        district will be audited every three years to ensure compliance   getting a bit more complicated, but keep networking with other
        with federal procurement guidelines. Federal laws and   districts and look to AASBO for help.
        regulations specify the methods school districts must follow to   If a procurement question comes up, email me. If I don’t know
        properly procure goods and services (7 CFR 200 and 210) and   the answer, I promise not to make one up. I will find someone
        the Department of Education is required to ensure that school   who  knows  the  answer  and  do  my  best  to  keep  you  on  the
        districts comply with the applicable regulations through audits,  compliance path. If you need procurement assistance or training
        administrative reviews, technical assistance, training, guidance  in your district, contact me. That’s why I am the Procurement
        materials, and by other means. (7 CFR 210.19(a)(3).    Compliance and Training Officer for Valley Schools. It is my hope
           While the Department of Education audits your food service  this article gave you some things to keep in mind as you make
        purchases, federal requirements apply to ALL purchases using   purchases for your district. Go Procurement Go!
        federal dollars. Even though the federal quote requirement
        thresholds are the same for purchases from $10,000 to $100,000,  Bill Munch, CPPO, CPPB is the Procurement Compliance and
        there are additional federal clauses that should be added  Training Officer for Valley Schools Management Group, recipient
        to federal purchases. For purchases under $10,000, federal  of the 2018 AASBO Bill Lovett Award, and the 2016 NIGP National
        provisions require you to rotate vendors unless you obtain three  Purchasing Manager of the Year.  He may be reached at: bmunch@
        quotes. It is important to recognize that formal federal purchases

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