Page 29 - The Edge - Fall 2018
P. 29
Leadership in Training Provides
a Roadmap for Trainers of Bus Drivers
Stephanie Arbaugh
Across the state of Arizona, transportation departments
often lack the necessary resources to properly train bus driver By the end of each complete session, driver
trainers. But when trainers don’t have the resources they trainers are able to develop a comprehensive,
need to teach, drivers don’t have the resources they need to 14-hour (minimum) class curriculum that
The Trust heard this concern from school districts, and the covers topics in the DPS Minimum Standards
Leadership in Training Program was born! for School Bus Drivers. They are also able to
Leadership in Training (LIT) is geared toward Department identify other essential topics tailored to
of Public Safety-trained Arizona state driver trainers, and
includes classroom sessions and hands-on training in their audience, such as driver fundamentals,
buses. Over the past year, the Trust has built the program by special needs student transportation, district
assembling a corps of instructors, strengthening relationships processes and procedures, and statutes and
with DPS, and of course, providing actual training sessions
(at statewide conferences). The ultimate goal of these efforts regulations that should be presented in a
school bus driver training class.
Continued on page 30
FALL 2018 | THE EDGE 29