Page 7 - The Edge - Fall 2018
P. 7
AASBO Members Are Encouraged
to ‘Keep Fighting the Good Fight’
“A leader isn’t the
person who takes on all
responsibilities. A leader is
someone who empowers
and inspires others to
achieve the goals of the
organization as a team.”
That’s a favorite quote
of mine by Andy Masters,
who recently delivered
the keynote address at the
Colorado Association of
School Business Officials
Fall Conference. Andy
provided numerous insights
into how managers and
leaders empower and
inspire the people they
work with, and much of his
presentation focused on
the importance of creating
a positive environment in
which employees truly feel
appreciated and valued.
I noticed how much of his lessons centered on the idea of valuing what each of us can contribute. This could be in the
creating positive messages to those around you, and I couldn’t form of encouraging someone to do a conference presentation
help but think of the positive environment that truly surrounds for the first time, reaching out to fellow board members to take
our AASBO conferences, committee meetings, bi-monthly on a new initiative within the Strategic Goals, or challenging
membership meetings and our Board of Directors meetings. our fundraising committee to raise even more contributions
Our members are constantly encouraging one another to “keep toward our charities – these are the actions of leaders who
fighting the good fight” or offering their support in tackling new inspire others throughout AASBO!!
and challenging issues that are a constant in today’s school And speaking of leaders, I am pleased to welcome and
business environment. congratulate our new Board members elected during the
Our Board of Directors recently conducted our annual board Summer Conference and Expo. Welcome to Lizette Huie from
planning retreat where we reviewed the association’s Strategic Sahuarita USD as our new Vice President; Dale Ponder from
Goals, and this was an excellent opportunity for us to enhance Crane ESD as our new Treasurer; Martin James from Deer
the majority of strategies that were taking us toward our goals Valley USD as our new Membership Services Director; Linda
and to also reduce or eliminate those strategies that had either Virgil from Peoria USD as our new Business Administration
been accomplished or were no longer a priority. Director; Shari Zara from the Arizona Department of Education
Our Professional Development and Membership Services as our new Educational Programs Director; Linda Sharrett from
committees, which also met recently, have taken significant Avondale ESD as our new Child Nutrition Director; Robert
strides in planning our conferences for next year and in Jacobson from Laveen ESD as our new Maintenance and
reviewing and enhancing our membership recognition and Operations Director; and Mike Fisher from Littleton ESD as
scholarship programs for the coming year. All of these activities our new Transportation Director. I am sure that we can look to
make up the positive environment that Andy Masters was these leaders to inspire and encourage all of us as we seek to
referring to as our members encourage each other to achieve achieve the goals of our AASBO organization.
the goals of our organization, while also truly appreciating and Bienvenido & Bienvenue.
FALL 2018 | THE EDGE 7