Page 8 - The Edge - Fall 2018
P. 8


            BY DON HARRIS
            AASBO Partners with Blessings in

            a Backpack to Feed Hungry Kids

           Children who are hungry for an education but don’t get  year total to 2,340 bags – thanks to AASBO and the AASBO
        enough to eat, particularly on weekends, benefit from a national   Membership Committee’s support, our sponsors – 1GPA, The
        program that AASBO members and their families participate in  Trust and Stifel – and AASBO members and their families who
        at the annual Summer Conference and Expo.              assisted.”
           The AASBO collaborative effort, known as Blessings in a   She also thanked members of AASBO’s Executive Committee;
        Backpack, provides nearly 1,000 bags of nutritious food to  Martin James, AASBO Membership Director, district personnel,
        several hundred students who attend Tucson elementary  vendors and conference attendees for their support.
        schools. Many of the youngsters are eligible to participate in   David Lewis, AASBO Executive Director, said Blessings in a
        the federal free or reduced price lunch program during school  Backpack is a way for AASBO to partner with a local organization
        days, but often don’t have enough to eat on weekends.  that directly helps school kids from our communities.
           AASBO has been partnering with Blessings in a Backpack for   “As business managers, sometimes we don’t remember
        about ten years, including the past three years at the Summer  that all the time and effort we put in to making schools a great
        Conference and Expo in July. Sandra Day, Vice President, Stifel,  learning environment directly impacts the lives of students
        Nicolaus & Company, Inc., one of the sponsors of the program,  throughout all of Arizona,” Lewis said. “Summer is a particularly
        called this year’s effort a huge success.              difficult time for some students who rely on the school system
           “In only one and a half hours, we were able to put together  for a nutritional meal or two during the day, and Blessings in a
        980 bags – which will serve 279 children at four elementary
        schools for almost four weeks,” Day said. “This brings our three-                       Continued on page 9

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