Page 9 - The Edge - Fall 2018
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In addition, Stifel, and 1GPA pledged $2,500 of funding for
Blessings in a BaCkpaCk the inaugural event. The AASBO Membership Committee voted
Continued from page 8 the following two years to continue hosting a volunteer event
with Blessings in a Backpack – with an objective to make more
Backpack helps to bridge this gap for many students in need of bags each year. The Trust joined the sponsorship team in years
a meal during the summer.” two and three, helping to meet that goal.
Students from Steele, Ford, Henry and Erickson Elementary
schools in the Tucson Unified School District benefited this
year. The content of each bag varies each year but generally “In only one and a half hours, we were able to
each bag contains a fruit cup, a graham cracker, two to three
cereal boxes, one soup and one chicken salad. put together 980 bags — which will serve 279
“With the donations from our sponsors, Blessings in a children at four elementary schools for almost
Backpack uses those funds to purchase food from Sysco, plus
supplies, including storage bins and bags, from other parties,” four weeks.”
Day said. “They also coordinate the transportation of finished
bags to a community site that stores and distributes the bags — Sandra Day, Vice President,
to the local area schools. For the past three years, New Spirit Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Inc.
Lutheran Church has accepted the completed bags from
AASBO, helping to store them until the school year begins Nationally and in Arizona, Blessings in a Backpack mobilizes
and then distributing them among four elementary schools communities, individuals, and resources to provide food on
throughout the following weeks.” the weekends for elementary school children across America
Day recalled how AASBO and Blessings in a Backpack who might otherwise go hungry. There are more than 13.1
connected: “A few years ago I participated in a packing event -million children in this country who are at risk of hunger.
at the Women in Public Finance’s annual conference. The The consequences of hunger are much more than a growling
statistics Blessings in a Backpack shared really resonated with stomach. Poor nutrition can result in a weaker immune system,
me – over 13 million food insecure children! Many of those increased hospitalization, lower IQ, shorter attention spans,
children receive meals at school during the week – but what and lower academic achievement. Children are fed during the
happens to them on the weekend? This program helps provide school week by federal government programs, but Blessings in
at least one bag of food for those kids to have over the weekend. a Backpack wants to make sure they’re getting nutritional meals
“In a short span of time, I witnessed a large number of over the weekend, too.
bags being assembled at the AASBO event. That year I also Blessings in a Backpack is a 501 C (3) nonprofit organization
joined the AASBO Membership Committee and asked the currently feeding more than 87,300 children in nearly 1,092
team to consider hosting a volunteer event at the summer schools in 45 U.S. states and Washington D.C.
conference. AASBO and the committee fully supported and
assisted with these efforts.” Continued on page 10
FALL 2018 | THE EDGE 9