Page 6 - 70th Annual Conference & Exposition
P. 6

                                                    JULY 19, 2023
                                                    JULY 19, 2023
                   The pre-conference sessions offer you the opportunity to study one topic or issues
                                             of current interest in greater depth.
                                                                Pre-Conference             Early         Rate
                                                                 Sessions Rates            Bird       After June 30, 2023
                                                                 One Pre-Conference         $50            $70
                       R Basics for the District
                       R Basics for the District                 If Attending Two                         $100
                          Business Professional
                          Business Professional                  Pre-Conferences            $80
                       8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
                       8:30 AM - 12:00 PM                       PRE-CONFERENCE III
                       Even though you’re not in human
                       resources  (HR), do  you  know  the
                                                                               yler Technologies: School
        basic things you “shall” and “should” do related                       yler T echnologies: School

                                                                                  ERP Pro
        to  hiring,  managing  employees,  and  handling                          ERP Pro
                                                                               1:00 PM - 4:30 PM
        disciplinary or termination matters? Attend this                       1:00 PM - 4:30 PM
        session  to  learn  about  these  important  skills,                   Join  us as  we discuss the  latest
        so you can work more effectively with your dis-                        updates that are happening with-
        trict’s HR personnel.                                   in School ERP Pro. New features and highlights
        Presenters                                              will be discussed; as well as innovative options
           Sandy Cooper - Arizona School Risk                   to maximize the current Warehouse module. It
           Retention Trust                                      is not just for  the  warehouse,  is it??  Watch  a
           Lana Berry - Chandler Unified School                 demonstration on how to work this module for
           District                                             many other needs. Learn ways to boost efficien-
        PRE-CONFERENCE II                                       cies within your own district.
                       ack to Basics - How to Build a              Diana Betancourt - Tyler Technologies
                                          How to
                                                    Build a
                          Solicitation!                            Mike Martinez - Office of the Maricopa

                                                                  County School Superintendent
                       8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
                       8:30 AM - 12:00 PM                          Karin Smith - Heinfeld Meech
                       Learn some basics with regards to
                       building a solicitation. Decide if it’s   PRE-CONFERENCE IV
        to  be  an  IFB  vs.  an  RFP,  Parts  of  the  solicita-
        tion, (Uniform Instructions, General Terms/Con-                        ack to Basics - How to
                                                                               ack to Basics - How to
        ditions, Special Requirements), When to include                           Evaluate a Solicitation
                                                                                     aluate a Solicitation

        Federal  Terms  and  Conditions,  developing  the                      1:00 PM - 4:30 PM
                                                                               1:00 PM - 4:30 PM
        Scope of Work, (user input and borrowing from                          Learn the basics of reviewing so-
        others),  building  evaluation criteria and  what
        to use for IFB’s and RFP’s. Reference checks or                        licitation  responses,  as well  as
        performance evaluations, timeline requirements          exploring some more advanced best practices.
        and when to use cooperative language.                   Topics will include kick-off meetings, conflict of
        Presenters                                              interest  requirements,  evaluation processes,
                                                                E-procurement  systems,  scoring and  ranking
           Jessica Leasure - Dysart Unified School              methods,  pricing evaluations,  interviews/dem-
           District                                             os, and best and final offers.
           Gary Barkman - Mesa Public Schools                   Presenters
           Bill Munch - Valley Schools Management                  Michelle Hamilton - Mesa Public Schools
           Joanne Douglas - Deer Valley Unified                    Lari Staples - Mohave Educational Services
           School District
                                                                   Roger Spivey - Scottsdale Unified School
                                                                   Lila McCleery - Phoenix Union High School
         Page 6                                                    Claudia Leon - 1GPA
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