Page 10 - 70th Annual Conference & Exposition
P. 10
JULY 20, 2O23
JULY 20, 2O23
Breakout Session I
Break out Session I
Thursday 9:00 am to 9:50 am
104: Fortress Guardianship: Shielding
101: Fraud Prevention & Detection
101: Fr aud Prev ention & Detection 104: F ortress Guardianship: Shielding
Measures the Kingdom’s Roofs and HVAC with
Proactive Maintenance
Track: Accounting Proactiv e Maintenance
Have the fraud prevention and detection mea- Track: Maintenance & Operations
sures at your District been assessed recently? Enigmatic Roof Mysteries: Unlocking Efficiency
With everything that has been going on the last and Valor through Roofing and HVAC Inspections
few years, it has been hard just to keep up! and Maintenance in the Realm of the Roundta-
This session will discuss some recent school dis- ble.
trict fraud cases in the headlines throughout the Presenters
country and the corresponding prevention and Nick Hadden - Progressive Roofing
detection methods to keep your District out of Brian Fleming - Progressive Roofing
the headlines. Chuck Hink - Pueblo Mechanical
Presenters Mark Carvis - Roosevelt School District
Sara Kirk - HeinfeldMeech
y Lingo P
Courtney Pina - Buckeye Elementary 109: Colors Personality Lingo Part 1
Colors P
art 1
School District Track: Vendor & Leadership
Learning about personality colors can be an ex-
103: Creative Health for Staff: Improve
103: Creativ e Health for Staff: Impro v e citing journey to discovering new things about
ourselves and the people around us. By famil-
Morale and Connection
Mor ale and Connection iarizing ourselves with the four different color
Track: Child Nutrition personalities – Blue, Green, Orange, and Gold
The American Heart Association’s Kids Heart - we can gain a deeper understanding of our
Challenge and American Heart Challenge can be own strengths and challenges, and learn how to
powerful tools to involve food services, trans- effectively communicate and interact with oth-
portation staff, and other contractors in the im- ers who may have different color preferences.
plementation of the Whole School, Whole Com- Understanding personality colors can help us to
munity, Whole Child (WSCC) model. identify our innate talents, discover new ways
This involvement also serves to improve staff to achieve success, and build stronger relation-
morale and increase physical activity levels. ships with those around us. So, if you’re inter-
This workshop will provide key examples of how ested in exploring the wonderful world of per-
to integrate staff and administration into WSCC sonality colors, let’s dive in!
by using the American Heart Association’s Kids
Heart Challenge and American Heart Challenge Personality Lingo is a fun easy way to identify
as a framework for collaboration. This means personality patterns and understand why people
that together, we can involve all members of behave as they do. It uses everyday language
the school community in promoting a culture of to help you comprehend and discuss the way
health and wellness that supports student suc- you see the world and how you interact with
cess and promotes a happy, healthy, and thriv- others. Founded by Mary Misciin, M.S. and Ed
ing school community. Redard, M.S. in 2014, emotional intelligence,
Presenters improves communication and manages stress
Brian Eller - Arizona Department of Health more effectively.
Services You must pre-register for this session. You will
Theresa Hoge - American Heart Association be sent a quiz prior to the conference.
Rick Hall - Creighton School District Presenter
Mike Godbehere - GCON Inc.
Page 10 Matt Heath - West-MEC