Page 13 - 70th Annual Conference & Exposition
P. 13
JULY 20, 2O23
JULY 20, 2O23
11:15 am to 2:15 pm
11:15 am to 2:15 pm
1st Gener
eynote Address
al Session & K
1st General Session & Keynote Address
Tucson Ballroom
Craig was named one of the top five cor-
porate variety entertainers in the country
by American Entertainment Magazine. His
touring show was named one of the top five
family / variety shows in North America by
Performance magazine.
He is a Certified Speaking Professional as
designated by the National Speakers Asso-
ciation and a CPAE Speaker Hall of Fame
member. Craig is the author of Ignite Your IGNITE YOUR INTUITION
Intuition, Extraordinary Tales and The Wiz- In a shift of focus from entertainment to
ard’s Legacy. His television credits include empowerment, Craig Karges created the
The Tonight Show, CNN, Fox News Chan- program “Ignite Your Intuition.” This one-
nel, CNBC and E! Entertainment Television. of-a-kind presentation does more than sim-
ply amaze and entertain. Participants learn
From Cancun to Cairo and from Sardinia to memory techniques; their intuition is test-
Singapore, Craig has presented over 5,000 ed; and they are taught how to tap into their
times in 27 countries on 4 continents and subconscious minds to enhance creativity
in all 50 states. He has become extraordi- and decision-making. This is a hands-on, in-
narily popular with corporate and associa- teractive session that awakens participants
tion audiences for his ability to blend enter- to the possibility of reaching their full po-
tainment, message and motivation in one tential while experiencing greater personal
exciting program. power and achieving success more easily.
With Experience the Extraordinary, Craig
combines the art of magic with the science
of psychology and the power of intuition to
create the impression that nothing is im-
possible. With Ignite Your Intuition, he re-
veals how to tap into your natural intuitive
abilities to improve memory, make better
decisions, and be more creative. Combine
the best of Experience the Extraordinary
and Ignite Your Intuition for an unbeliev-
able keynote general session. Note: The First and Second General Session will
begin promptly at 11:15 a.m. with luncheon ser-
vice followed by keynote program speakers. At-
tendees are requested to be on time and to stay
Page 13
for the entire session to minimize disruption.