Page 15 - 70th Annual Conference & Exposition
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                                                 S BREAKOUT SESSIONS
                                                     JULY 20, 2O23
                                                     JULY 20, 2O23
                                                 Breakout Session III
                                                 Break  out Session III
                                             Thursday 2:30 pm to 3:20 pm
        307:   S ynthetic T   urf (A thletic Fields)           310: The FY2024 Legal Backpack for the
        307: Synthetic Turf (Athletic Fields)
        Track: Purchasing                                              Arizona School Business Official
                                                                            ona School Business Official
        Benefits  of  synth  turf  &  current  innovations  Track: Leadership
        (heat reduction, student athlete  safety, reduced  This session, led by two experienced experts in
        water use, reduced maintenance requirements,  Arizona school law, will focus on current issues
        playability and more!)                                 in the law that are of interest to YOU, the school
        Presenters                                             business official, and give practical guidance on
           Mike Wickham - General Acrylics                     how to  deal  with those  issues  to  better  serve
           Jonnie Deremo - General Acrylics                    your district.  Areas of potential legal liability will
           Jeff Raiger - Astroturf                             be the focus at this entertaining and fast-mov-
           Jim Migliorino - Deer Valley Unified School         ing session.  All questions welcome!
           District                                            Presenters
                                                                   Chris Thomas - Gust Rosenfeld
                                                                   Carrie O’Brien - Gust Rosenfeld
               The Holy Gr
        308: The Holy Grail of Transportation
                               ail of T
                R eporting
        Track: Transportation
        Join on our quest  for  accurate  Transportation
        Reporting  with 100  day  Route  Mileage  report-
        ing and Vehicle Inventory Reporting.   The quest
        will  include  a  journey  through  the  Transporta-
        tion Reporting application and you will gain the
        knowledge of what can be reported.
           Tim McCain - ADE, Director of Operations
           Support/School Finance
           Jason Nelson - Arizona School Risk
           Retention Trust

        309: Zhuzhing Partnership Opportunities
        309:   Zhuzhing P    artn  ership Opportunities        311:   Budget Allocation Str       ategies
                                                               311: Budget Allocation Strategies
               R enaissance St    yle                          Track: Emerging Professionals
               Renaissance Style
        Track: Vendor                                          The M&O and Capital budget allocation process
        What  do  your  District  partnership  look  like?     can be daunting!  This panel discussion will tack-
        Would you  like  to Zhuzh up the  renaissance          le the various  methods  of  allocating site level
        ladie/lord in you by adding some tricks of the         budgets and staffing.  The panel will share strat-
        trade?                                                 egies on how their district approaches the allo-
        Come learn about the best types of partnerships        cation,  the  tracking  of  financial  resources  and
        that  really  work and  how we can  foster  those      the communication methods with their campus-
        relationships long term.                               es.
        This will be a fun and interactive presentation        Presenters
        that  provides valuable  knowledge  to all Kings           Matt Roberson - Dysart Unified School
        and Queens.                                               District
        Presenters                                                 Jacob Harmon - Maricopa Unified School
                Jen Rehse - Concord                               District
                Jerri Lynn Barnes - Pueblo Mechanical              Treena Bradley - Roosevelt Elementary
                       Michele Grimaldi - Tempe                   School District
                   Elementary School District                      Karin Smith - HeinfeldMeech              Page 15
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