Page 17 - 70th Annual Conference & Exposition
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                                                 S BREAKOUT SESSIONS
                                                     JULY 20, 2O23
                                                     JULY 20, 2O23
                                                         out Session IV
                                                 Breakout Session IV
                                             Thursday 3:40 pm to 4:30 pm
        405: Compensated Absences
        405:   Compensated Absences                            407:   Now Y   ou  Ha  v e  A w ar ded  a  Contr act,
                                                               407: Now You Have Awarded a Contract,
                                                                              s Next?
        Track: Human Resources/Payroll                                 What’s Next?
        The what what, the how do you think I can get          Track: Purchasing
        this done, and the NOT IT! How many of us have         The Knights of the Round Table have awarded a
        sat at the desk either dreading the day you get        contract. How you, as a public agency, can help
        the  Comp  Abs  worksheet  to  fill  out,  moving      the Knights start complying and managing their
        the  dreaded  spreadsheet  under  other  papers        new contract. The presenters will suggest ideas
        on your desk to avoid working on it or hoping          on how you can help the Knights be successful.
        you didn’t draw the last straw this year to have       Presenters
        to complete? Better are new to this             Nancy Colbaugh - Mohave Educational
        responsibility and you have nothing to refer to           Services Cooperative
        and who came up with Comp Abs anyway? An                   Diana Kerfoot - Tucson Unified School
        enlightening discuss to say the least and let us          District
        show you how we approach, take and conquer
        Comp Abs.
                                                               408: McKinney Vento Students and the
        Presenters                                             408:   McKinney V     ento Students and the
                                                                       Role Transportation Plays
           Jill Winn - Maricopa County School                          R ole T r ansportation Pla    ys
           Superintendents Office                              Track: Transportation
           Tracy Rockwell - West-MEC                           Take  a  seat  with us  at  the  Roundtable  to  dis-
           Kristen Conway - HeinfeldMeech                      cuss the role Transportation plays in the McK-
                                                               inney  Vento  Process.  Rita  Rodriquez  from  the
        406:   Cyber Securit     y R oundtable                 ADE who serves as the State Homeless Program
        406: Cyber Security Roundtable
        Track: Information Technology                          Coordinator will present and answer questions
        Join the Technology Knights of the Roundtable          on all things McKinney Vento.
        to discuss topics regarding the challenges in the      Presenter
        realm of Information Technology.      We  will  be         Rita Rodriquez  - ADE, State Homeless
        discussing the current state of Cybersecurity in          Education Program Coordinator
        the K-12 environment.  As time permits there
        will also be a question and answer session with        411: Year End Journal Entries
                                                                        ear End Journal Entries
        audience members.                                      Track: Emerging Professionals
        Presenters                                             The words “journal entries” make everyone run
           Billy Denson - Sunnyside Unified School             and hide...but there is no hiding from them at
           District                                            year  end!    Within  the  upcoming  weeks,  every
           Marissa Dicochea - Sunnyside Unified                school district will be posting various journal en-
           School District                                     tries  to  include  correcting  entries  and  various
           Albert Magallanez - Sunnyside Unified               year  end  transactions.    This  session  will  walk
           School District                                     attendees through the various types of journal
           Eddie Pallanes - Crane Elementary School            entries, what type of back up is necessary for
           District                                            journal  entries and  a  reminder  of  the  various
           Walt Mangum - Amphitheater Public                   journal entries that should be performed at year
           Schools                                             end.
           Ryan Murray - State of Arizona Department           Presenters
           of Homeland Security | Cyber Command                    Dane Bolden - Glendale Union High School
           Michael Bonner - Hye Tech Network &                    District
           Security Solutions                                      Eugene Park - HeinfeldMeech

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