Page 14 - 70th Annual Conference & Exposition
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                                                S BREAKOUT SESSIONS
                                                    JULY 20, 2O23
                                                    JULY 20, 2O23
                                                 Breakout Session III
                                                 Break  out Session III
                                             Thursday 2:30 pm to 3:20 pm
                                                               304: On the Grail Quest: Why Multiple
        301: Managing Your Miscellaneous
        301:   Managing Y     our Miscellaneous                304:   On the Gr    ail Quest: Wh     y Multiple
                R eceipts Clearing Bank Accounts                       GMPs Are Better
                Receipts Clearing Bank Accounts
                                                                       GMPs Are Better
        Track: Accounting                                      Track: Maintenance & Operations
        Do your Miscellaneous Receipts bank accounts  Going about on quests by yourself is dangerous,
        feel like a fairytale or a dystopian novel? Join us  it’s dangerous to go alone! In today’s market,
        to learn  the USFR  guidance for  managing this  you need a team to build separate Guaranteed
        specific type of bank account. Participants will  Maximum Price quotes on large projects to slay
        hear  strategies  for  keeping track  of  what was  long lead times and bring your successful proj-
        deposited, clearing to the Treasurer, and recon-       ect back to court.
        ciling the accounts.                                   Presenters
        Presenters                                                 Justin Moody - Creighton School District
           Lisa Smith - Dysart Unified School District             Vicente Teran - Chasse Building Team
           Kristen Conway - HeinfeldMeech
           Lynn Leonard - Mingus Union High School
                                                               305: Joist in Time! TimeClock Plus
                                                                      Joist in Time! TimeClock Plus
                                                               Track: Human Resources/Payroll
                                                               Keep track of those in your District while bestow-
        302:   The Importance of Accounting                    ing the freedom of time ownership.  The toils of
        302: The Importance of Accounting
                R ecords in T  r ansparent Financial           timekeeping, time card approval and employee
                Records in Transparent Financial
                Reporting                                      leave requests can be conquered with learning
        Track: Business Administration                         employee management with TimeClock Plus.
        This session will discuss common issues we see  Presenter
        in district- and school-level annual financial re-         Tracy Rockwell - West-MEC
        ports (AFRs) and the recently issued COVID-19
        reporting forms related to inaccurate or incom-
        plete  accounting  records  used  to  populate  the    306: IT Security Alphabet Soup
                                                                      IT Securit
                                                                                   y Alphabet Soup
        forms and overwritten formulas or other chang-         Track: Information Technology
        es that compromise the financial transparency          LAPS, LLMNR, NetBIOS, MDBR - what does it all
        in that reporting.                                     mean? Just like in all other parts of the educa-
        Presenters                                             tion sphere acronyms abound in the IT space as
           Chris Votroubek - Arizona Office of the             well.
           Auditor General                                     Last fall West-MEC acquired the services of a se-
           Michael Carnahan - Arizona Office of the            curity vendor to pentest our infrastructure, and
           Auditor General                                     they got the ‘keys to the kingdom’ we’ll share
                                                               with you our key takeaways on both what we
                                                               had in place, and corrective actions we needed
                                                               to implement to secure our environment using
                                                               the acronym alphabet soup.
                                                                   John Kukowski - West-MEC
                                                                   George Gerardo - West-MEC
                                                                   Daniel Hester - West-MEC

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