Page 11 - 70th Annual Conference & Exposition
P. 11
JULY 20, 2O23
JULY 20, 2O23
Break out Session II
Breakout Session II
Thursday 10:00 am to 10:50 am
201: Records Management 101 for
206: How to create a Cyber Incident
201: R ecords Management 101 for 206: How to create a Cyber Incident
Schools Response Plan
esponse Plan
Track: Accounting Track: Information Technology
Managing all the records a school produces can You’ve done everything you can to protect your
be intimidating. Let the Records Management systems from cyber threats, now what? Devel-
Team from the Arizona State Library, Archives, op a Cyber Incident Response Plan (CIRP) for the
and Public Records help you navigate using re- worst-case scenario. Hopefully, you are never
tention schedules and making sure you are in the victim of a successful ransomware attack,
compliance with records management laws but if you are, have your CIRP tested and ready
and principles. We will discuss which retention to mobilize your team for a rapid response.
schedules are most useful for schools and the Presenters
procedures needed to maintain and dispose of Alex Robles - Arizona School Risk Retention
records. Trust
Presenter David Sanders - Mesa Public Schools
Laura Palma-Blandford - Arizona State
Library, Archives, and Public Records
207: Infinite Visions- Tips and T ricks
207: Infinite Visions-Tips and Tricks
202: Conflicted About Conflict of
202: Conflicted About Conflict of Track: Purchasing
Interest? Are you an iVisions User? This session is de-
Track: Business Administration signed to show you processes and functions of
Learn how to identify potential conflicts of in- which you may not be aware. These tips and
terest within public entities by understanding tricks can save you time and make your work
such concepts as substantial interest, participa- easier. We will be looking at features such as:
tion, and disclosure and examining cases where SmartGrids, advanced filtering techniques, pro-
these concepts have existed. posed vendors, importing from Excel, and much
Presenters more!
Gretchen Augustine - Arizona Office of the Presenters
Auditor General Lila McCleery - Phoenix Union High School
Stephany Lopez - Arizona Office of the District
Auditor General Aiessa Flores - Tyler Technologies
Track List:
Sessions are numbered based on their specific track. 208: School Bus Vendor Guidance in Bus
Guidance in Bus
School Bus
The 1st session number is the breakout session. The
last number(s) are the corresponding track. Procurement
01: Accounting Track: Transportation & Purchasing
02: Business Administration This class will be a high level, deep dive into es-
03: Child Nutrition tablishing baseline specifications for your school
04: Maintenance & Operations district to consider when ordering new buses. In
05: Human Resources & Payroll addition, we will be reviewing popular aftermar-
06: Information Technology ket features and financing alternatives.
07: Purchasing
08: Transportation Presenters
09: Vendor Tom Hartman - RWC
10: Leadership Robert Kanter - Arizona Bus Center
11: Emerging Professionals Stephen Pollizzato - Canyon State Bus
Christian Miranda - Glendale Elementary
School District Page 11