Page 21 - The Edge - Winter 2016
P. 21

‘ENHANCED’ ACHIEVEMENT DISTRICT PLAN                   allow them to obtain better interest rates, to fund expansions.

        CONTINUED FROM PAGE 19                                 Half of the projects funded through the program will go to low-
                                                               income communities, according to the Governor’s Office.
                                                                  Secondly, the achievement district will allow participating
           Scarpinato would not say whether Ducey will seek additional  schools to make use of vacant or underused facilities from other
        legislation for his plan. The Governor’s Office had previously  schools. The Ninth Floor has provided few details of how it will
        said it would not need more legislative action for the plan to go  accomplish this.
        into effect, though some legislation would be needed to codify   Furthermore, schools that are part of the achievement district
        the plan’s mechanics.                                  will be able to become the managing operators of consistently
           But the gubernatorial spokesman said Ducey doesn’t plan to  underperforming schools that have been designated as failing
        seek additional funding for the achievement district plan. The  for three consecutive years.
        Legislature approved $24 million for the plan in the fiscal year  While charter schools have expressed enthusiasm about the
        2016 budget.                                           achievement district plan, many school districts are skeptical.
           “Our plan is the use the dollars that have already been  Despite Ducey’s insistence that the achievement district will be
        allocated,” he said.                                   open to both charter and district schools, some question what
           The achievement district plan is meant to carry out Ducey’s  benefits districts will actually see. School districts have little
        2014 campaign pledge to “fully fund the wait lists” for Arizona’s  need for the Access Our Best Public Schools Fund because
        top public schools by allowing them to accommodate more  they can already bond against tax revenue at low interest rates
        students.                                              that are generally unavailable to charters. And many district
           The plan unveiled by Ducey last session had two major  officials said they would have no use for vacant facilities in
        components. The first is the Access Our Best Public Schools  other districts because their purpose is primarily to serve
        Fund, for which the Legislature appropriated $24 million in  students within their district boundaries.
        FY16. Schools will be able to borrow against the fund, which will

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