Page 16 - The Edge - Winter 2016
P. 16
Charlotte Gates, Michelle Hamilton Win
ASBO Intl. Pinnacle of Achievement Awards
Charlotte Gates and Michelle
Hamilton – two former presidents
of AASBO – won Pinnacle of “The Pinnacle Award is a tribute to my district. It demonstrated our expansion
Achievement awards for 2015
from ASBO International. of sharing resources with our neighboring district in order to accomplish our
The awards recognize the goals. On a personal note, it was an unforgettable experience to receive the
innovative spirit of school
business o cials internationally. award and one of my biggest highlights in my career.”
ASBO International noted that — Charlotte Gates, Sahuarita USD
school business officials “are
known for their innovative,
meaningful contributions to the
improvement of their profession When Gates learned that she had won, she was “surprised and
and the e ciency of school districts.” Furthermore, the awards ecstatic.” en she called her superintendent to share the news.
provide winners “the opportunity to share these innovative e orts “ e Pinnacle Award is a tribute to my district,” she said.
with peers and colleagues throughout the world.” “It demonstrated our expansion of sharing resources with our
e title of Gates’ project was: “Combining Resources to neighboring district in order to accomplish our goals. On a personal
Enhance Services to Neighboring Elementary District.” note, it was an unforgettable experience to receive the award and
Gates, Director of Business Services for Sahuarita Uni ed one of my biggest highlights in my career. A er receiving the Bill
School District, explained: “ e goal of this project is to outsource Lovett Award from Arizona ASBO, the Pinnacle Award was the
management of business services to the neighboring school district. “Cherry on Top.”
is gives the neighboring district the expertise it desires at an Gates credited the support of Sahuarita and Continental’s
a ordable cost. e single-school district bene ts on business trips Governing Board, the superintendents and her sta . Lizette Huie
to meetings and professional conferences, which saves costs for was an integral part of the success, she said, adding, “My thanks to
both districts. It also allows districts to hire a business coordinator them and my AASBO colleagues who are always there whenever I
to assist, and to use this opportunity to train a replacement business have a question or to share ideas.”
director when one retires, providing a great opportunity for Gates said it was an honor to have shared the experience with
hands-on experience for the business coordinator with mentoring Hamilton. “For Arizona ASBO to have two Pinnacle Award
from the director.” Recipients at the conference is a testimony to what a great
Hamilton’s project was entitled: “Technology Expo Embedded organization and leadership we have,” she said.
Within a Statewide RFP for Hardware/So ware.” Hamilton was shocked to hear that she had won. “ is award was
Hamilton, Director of Purchasing for Mesa Public Schools, important to me and what we had accomplished at Mesa Schools,
described her project: “Our goal was to provide a vehicle for but it was also a huge honor for the procurement professionals who
technology-related resources and vendors to ‘pilot’ products at are my peers,” Hamilton said. “Historically, procurement is just
little or no cost while working within the current procurement seen as a necessary compliance factor for school districts and this
framework set in place for awarding contracts. is was achieved acknowledged the good that so many do, day in and day out. ere
by creating a large, open procurement process, where vendors are great things being done in our profession and this helped to
showcased their products in an expo environment. More than bring procurement to the forefront of school business.”
300 teachers and administrators viewed the products at our local Hamilton thanked Bobette Sylvester, Assistant Superintendent
convention center. In addition, we invited other school districts of Business Services for Mesa Schools, for nominating her. “Bobette
to participate in the expo and subsequent contract awards. In is an amazing supervisor who inspires me to grow in my profession
the end, a wide range of vendors were put on a pre-quali ed list, and also supports what I do for the district,” Hamilton said. “I also
making them available through cooperative purchasing to other need to thank my sta , who supports me every day and works hard
participating school districts in the state.” to make our department one of the best in procurement.”