Page 12 - The Edge - Winter 2016
P. 12

LAWMAKERS SUPPORT MORE FUNDING                            He mentioned funding requests from the state universities and

        CONTINUED FROM PAGE 11                                 the Child Safety Department and said, “Pretty soon the rainy day
                                                               fund is gone. We have to be very circumspect on what we’re going
                                                               to spend our money on.”
                                                                  Asked if they would support a tax cut if one is proposed by Gov.
        Legislature needs to keep their hands o   the curriculum. We need
        to be able to compete globally. We need less emphasis on tests.    Doug Ducey, Lawrence said he didn’t know. “Would it be a gi   to
        And taxpayers need to know if their tax money is being spent   a big corporation?”
        wisely in our school system.”                             Boyer doesn’t support targeted tax breaks, but said he does
            Her priority, she re-emphasized, is emergency funds for JTEDs  support broad cuts.
        early in the session.                                     Otondo said she hears talk of a   at income tax or the elimination
           Bradley quoted a Greek proverb, saying, “You cannot give what   of the personal income tax, and said, “I am   scally responsible and
        you do not have.” He wants the Legislature to give the necessary     scally conservative.”
        resources to the schools “and leave them alone – it’s ludicrous for
        the Legislature to tell you what, how and when you can teach. It’s   Boyer said he hasn’t heard talk of a   at tax, but he hears that
        crazy.”                                                people want to increase school funding but don’t want their taxes
           His priority is child welfare, saying that poverty, violence,   to increase.
        substance abuse and mental illness are running rampant in some   Welch interjected, noting that a large majority of school bond
        schools. “   ey’re destroying our children one by one,” Bradley  and budget overrides had been approved earlier in the month,
        said.                                                  indicating that people are willing to accept a tax increase to provide
           On  a  question from  Welch  regarding  possible  education   more money for schools.
        funding in the 2016 legislative session, Lawrence said any excess   Bradley said that sometimes it makes sense to give a tax break to
        money should go to schools   rst.
           Bradley recommended using money in the so-called rainy day   a big corporation, considering the possible tradeo  s. “We have to
        fund to boost educational spending, but Boyer disagreed: “If we   look to our future and those who follow us,” he said. “We have to
        eliminate money in the rainy day fund, that would downgrade our  plan for the future. We can’t rely on simple sloganeering. We’re all
        credit rating and have a serious impact on the state.”  in this together. We need to speak with one voice.”

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         12                                                                                 THE EDGE | WINTER 2016
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