Page 10 - The Edge - Winter 2016
P. 10


          BY DON HARRIS

          Keystone Purchasing Network Can

          Save Schools Time and Money

           From arti  cial turf to furniture and library supplies to   ooring   KPN decided to become an AASBO Alliance Partner because
        and food service equipment, a Pennsylvania-based company  it gives the company the opportunity to advertise in    e Edge and
        is o  ering school districts across the country time- and money-  provides more opportunity for recognition, Kimball said.
        saving solutions.                                         “We wanted to get more company recognition out West,
              at company, Keystone Purchasing Network (KPN), is the  especially in Arizona, because of the AASBO Summer Conference
        latest to join the AASBO family as an Alliance Partner. KPN, which  each year,” he said. “We have always had success at the conference,
        has been in business for 42 years, has a long-standing history of  which we have attended for the past four years. We enjoy meeting
        helping schools and other agencies eliminate the time and cost of  the attendees as well as the other exhibitors. Our experience has
        bidding.                                               always been great and we are grateful for the opportunity to market
           “We advertise and solicit sealed bids, which are awarded to   KPN.”
        the most responsive and responsible bidders,” said Je   Kimball,   Because KPN continues to grow, adding members and new
        Director of Cooperative Purchasing Services. “   e result is higher   publicly bid contracts, it was decided that the partnership with
        quality at lower prices.”                              the Arizona Association of School Business O   cials “would be
           KPN serves 481 school districts throughout the country, and has   bene  cial not only to KPN but also to the school districts,” Kimball
        various nonpro  t members in 37 states, including Arizona.    e   rm   said.
        provides cooperative purchasing services for eight school districts   “We want to be able to get school districts to recognize KPN
        in Arizona, plus Arizona Western College, Arizona Counseling   because our ultimate goal is to save those schools money and
        and Treatment Services, and Coconino County government.  provide the best quality work,” he added.
           Keystone has 18 national contracts with vendors of products   In addition to K-12 public school districts, KPN serves tax-
        and services, and KPN’s bid process satis  es the procurement laws   exempt nonpro  t agencies such as local municipalities, county
                                                               governments, colleges and universities, career and technical
        of most states. It participates as a member of the Association of
        Educational Purchasing Agencies (AEPA).                schools, non-public schools, charter schools and libraries.
                                                                  KPN o  ers a wide variety of contracts to help schools or
           Kimball spelled out some of the reasons why school districts   universities by cost-e  ective ways to purchase such items as lockers,
        should consider becoming a member of KPN. “   ere are no   wall padding, tracks, sports courts, and turf for sports   elds. KPN
        administrative fees or surcharges assessed to members, you receive   has a contract with Musco lighting to brighten up parking lots,
        volume discount pricing on quality products and services, and   indoor courts, or outdoor   elds.
        bidding on behalf of members eliminates duplication of the local      rough a contract with Xpedx, KPN o  ers multiple types of
        bidding process,” Kimball said.                        commercial cleaning equipment, facility supplies, and personal
           What’s more, KPN membership saves time and the cost of the   care products. KPN also o  ers contracts that will complete a
        individual bid process, o  ers a streamlined procurement process,   classroom with   ooring, furniture, interactive white boards, and
        provides dedicated vendor representatives who assure satisfaction,   much more, according to Kimball.
        and keeps members apprised of additional discounts and savings   “We give schools the opportunity to save money and time on
        programs, Kimball said.                                any renovation project,” Kimball said. “Depending on the project,
           “KPN conducts these key steps of bidding and awarding   we save schools anywhere from 10 percent to 50 percent.”
        contracts for commodities and services that meet our members   Becoming a member of KPN is easy and free and there is no
        purchasing needs,” Kimball said. “For example, we issue invitations   obligation to purchase anything. You can   ll out the application at
        for bids and, as needed, requests for proposals; all contracts are and fax or email it to KPN.
        publicly and competitively bid; we evaluate sealed bid responses;   “We’ll send a welcome letter and a packet of the 18 national
        and contracts are awarded to the lowest responsive responsible  contracts,” Kimball said. “Basically, schools, government agencies
        bidder.”                                               and other nonpro  t institutions can piggyback on money-saving
           Finally, contracts are approved by the Board of Directors of  contracts available through our national cooperative purchasing
        the Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit, which initiated  program –    e Keystone Purchasing Network.”
        its cooperative purchasing program in 1974. CSIU spawned the  For more information, call: (888) 490-3182; email to: info@theKPN.
        national program known as the Keystone Purchasing Network.  org or visit the website:

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