Page 19 - The Edge - Winter 2016
P. 19


                        BY JEREMY DUDA

                        Ducey to Roll Out ‘Enhanced’

                        Achievement District Plan in 2016

           Gov. Doug Ducey’s signature education initiative from the  that opportunity arose, our focus zeroed in on that,” Ducey
        2015 legislative session has been slow in getting off the ground,  spokesman Daniel Scarpinato said. “And obviously now, having
        largely owing to the off-session focus on setting the long-  passed that package through special session … education policy
        running K-12 funding lawsuit.                          staff are back at the table working out the details of this plan.”
           But the governor plans to unveil an “enhanced” plan in his   Scarpinato indicated that the achievement district plan will
        next State of the State address for his Arizona Public School  be expanded from Ducey’s original proposal, “To the extent that
        Achievement District program.                          our office believes this will do more, will help more schools and
           The Ninth Floor had long stated its intention to unveil details  more students than we originally envisioned.” He would not
        of the plan late in 2015. But summer and fall negotiations  provide further details.
        over the Cave Creek v DeWit lawsuit, which culminated in an   “We are making progress on the details of how to expand our
        October special session, shifted the achievement district plan  best schools. We’re looking at an enhanced plan, and we’ll have
        to the back burner. Now that a settlement has been reached,  more in the new year,” he said.
        pending a May 8 special election, Ducey’s focus has returned to
        the achievement district plan.
           “It was important to resolve the lawsuit before moving                             CONTINUED ON PAGE 21
        on to some of these other policy areas in K-12. And when

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