Page 7 - 2015 Spring Attendee Brochure
P. 7

AASBO’s 2015 Spring Conference

                                    Oceans of Opportunity - Waves of Success

                                                                Schedule of Events

        Child Nutrition                                                              Facilities, Maintenance, & Operations

        103: How to Run a Four Minute Mile                                          104: Navigating Your Ship to Safe & Secure Waters ith Special Systems
        Come hear a principal’s journey to achieve the Healthier US School Challenge Gold    Navigating the rough seas of tight budgets, legacy technology, life safety, security and
        Distinction Award.  How, why, and what it takes to make it happen. Even with all of   communication systems to successfully captain your ship to smooth waters of safe,
        the budget cuts this award is achievable.                                   secure, code compliant and easy to manage special systems. How to put intelligence
        Presented by:  Dr. Chris Lineberry, Stanfield Elementary School District    in front of legacy security, intercom, fire alarm, access control, CCTV to minimize the
        203: Legislative Update on the National Smart Snack Standards               human element in complex security and threat situations and take complex threat
        Recent legislation is or could possibly  grant schools exemptions to the national   management plans and automate the execution of the steps with precision.
        smart snack standards. Come learn how not adhering to these standards  for   Presented by: John Muir, Cave Creek Unified School District & Mike Bradley, ECD Systems
        fundraising events, school stores, and vending machines can cost your foodservice   204: Buoy up your Facilities by Implementing Self-Funding Energy Programs
        department without even knowing. Additionally how does that impact your indirect   Presentation will highlight how to develop successful energy projects, review actual
        cost rate.                                                                  performance of a self-funded solar project, What to do if your solar or energy project
        Presented by: Carol Weekly, Queen Creek Unified School District             is falling short (Solar/Energy Rescue),Overview of Arizona School Funding Solutions,

        303: What Business Managers and Finance Managers Need to Know               Improving facilities through energy conservation, Create a stabilized energy budget,
        About School Food Service Financing                                         establish energy conservation and generation symbiosis.
        Come learn what business managers and finance managers should be asking from   Presented by: Elaine Wood Lake Havasu Unifed School District #1 and Ed Schaffer,
        their food service directors.  What reports should the department be tracking and   Technology Coordinators
        why?  Hear and learn about the numbers that affect the bottom line and ensure you   304: I have a Field and Track, but Where did the Lake Come From?
        child nutrition programs are operating in the black.                        Understanding what is needed to build and maintain a running track can save valuable
        Presented by: Patti Bilbrey, Scottsdale Unified School District             funds each year. This presentation will cover the type of tracks that are now available,

                                                                                    how they are built correctly and how they should be protected and maintained to
        403: Don’t Let the Pirates Steal Your Booty                                 provide the longest usable life time.
        Learn how to fill your treasure chest through “best value” purchasing.      Presented by: Richard Oros, Tolleson Union High School District, and Jason Hoover &
        Presented by: Bette Thompson, ASPIN                                         John McCormack, Sunland Asphalt & Sports

                                                                                    404: JOC: Another Lure in your toolbox!
                                                                                    Panel discussion on when and how to use a JOC.
                                                                                    Presented by: John Muir, Cave Creek Unified School District and Charlie Bowers,
                                                                                    Centennial Contracting, Phil Simone, Corbin Electric, and Bonnie Gonzalez H-2 group
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