Page 8 - 2015 Spring Attendee Brochure
P. 8

2015 Spring Conference

                                    Oceans of Opportunity - Waves of Success

         Human Resources & Payroll                                                   Information Technology

        105: Developing Your Wellness Program on a Shoestring Budget and            106: Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
        Increase Participation Among your Employees                                 Learn why Casa Grande Elementary decided to use VMWare View’s Virtual Desktops to refresh
        Learn the value of senior leadership support and designating a wellness leader, How to design   their desktops.  This session will cover from the decision to the implementation of installing and
        the program based upon employee needs and interests, Affordable educational and activity   supporting VDI.
        programs and resources, Communication and promotion, and Easy and no cost wellness ideas.   Presented by:  Benjamin Katingima, Casa Grande Elementary School District, Diego Alonzo,
        Then, learn how to make Wellness an organizational priority, why employees do not participate   Hye Tech Security Solutions.
        in Wellness programs and how to engage them, the value of senior leadership support and how   206:  Troubleshooting WiFi & RF Fundamentals
        to get it, how to develop a Wellness program based on employees needs and interests, how to   This session focuses on understanding the often overlooked Radio Frequency part of designing,
        communicate Wellness Program initiatives to get desired participation.      deploying and troubleshooting a Wireless LAN Network.  It discusses 802.11 radio, 802.11ac
        Presented by:  Anna Carreon, Pinal County School Office ESA, and  Linda Weston, Bagnall
                                                                                    specifics, antennas placements, and antenna patterns.  We will discuss best practice trouble-
        205: Payroll Panel Discussion                                               shooting techniques and the major topics include RF fundamentals, wireless authentication,
        Join this knowledgeable panel to discuss payroll changes pertaining to non-exempt employees,   and roaming.  We will also review key issues to watch out for.
        timecards, supervisor’s responsibility, tracking changes and errors systematically, and a discus-  Presented by:  David Sanders, Mesa Public Schools and  Jeremy Stanley, Cisco Systems
        sion of what you are doing in your district.                                306: The Untethered Classroom – Wireless Display + Mobile Device + Projector
        Presented by:  Beverly Myers, Florence Unified School District, Anna Ortega, Pinal
        County School Office, Ruth Smith, Pinal County Data Processing, and Jamie Dixon,    = Untethered Teaching and Learning
        Pinal County ESA                                                            Learn how Mesa Public Schools is using Wireless Display (WiDi) to “Untether” the teacher from
                                                                                    cables.   This session will discuss the planning, the implementation, and the professional devel-
        305: Basics of Pension Accounting: What a School District Should Know       opment ups and downs of this massive project.
        There are big changes ahead with your financial statements that all business managers should   Presented by:  David Sanders, Mesa Public Schools
        understand. You need to know about the new pension accounting standards going into effect
        June 30, 2015 with the implementation of GASB Statement 68. It’s going to impact a number of   406:  Technology in the Trades
        items you need to be familiar with. This course will be Part 1 of 2. Part 2, which covers the audit   Learn how technology is changing how Operation and Facility departments are infusing technol-
        implications of the new pension accounting standards, will be presented during the summer   ogy into their daily work.
        conference.                                                                 Presented by:  David Sanders, Mesa Public Schools and Mike Finn, Peoria Unified School District
        Presented by: Anna Carreon, Pinal County School Office ESA and Jeffrey Patterson &
        Brian Hemmerle, Henry & Horne, LLP
        405: Payroll 101 – Pay now or PAY LATER
        Are you familiar with FLSA? Payroll tax requirements? This session will cover some payroll ba-
        sics from best practices in time keeping and employee compensation to payroll tax reporting
        requirements. Whether you are new to payroll or need to brush up on the basic requirements,
        this is the session for you.
        Presented by:  Donna Horton, Palominas School District  and Melissa Higdon, Tavun Advisory Services
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