Page 11 - 2015 Spring Attendee Brochure
P. 11
Facilities, Maintenance & Operations Pre-Conference
Wednesday, April 8, 2015 - Aquarius Hotel & Conference Center, Laughlin, Nevada
8:00 AM Registration & Continental Breakfast
9:00 AM Welcome and Keynote Address: Navigating the Sea of Change - Dr. David Peterson, Superintendent, Scottsdale Unified School District
The call to reduce non-classroom spending by 5% in K-12 Education has been made. How will we answer that call and what can we as Facility and Operations Leaders
do to make sure we provide the best environment for our students and staff while navigating the Sea of Change?
10:00 AM Refreshment Break & Networking
10:10 AM 102P: Master Planning for Capital Improvement Bonds or Hit the Beach with a Plan in Hand
Existing Facility Space: Do you have too much space? Or just the wrong kind of space for 21st Century learning? Existing Facility Needs: How might you assess your current facility infra-
structure, expected useful life, and determine your immediate needs? Enrollment: How can you work with experts to project future enrollment? Capacity: What are the different ways
to determine your district’s student capacity? Which method might work best to capture your district’s use of space? Bonds: How can you plan so that your capital improvement bond
money is used most efficiently? Community: Be sure to involve your community in the planning to ensure the outcome you want at election time.
Presented by: Danny O’Brien, Scottsdale Unified School District, and Ben Barcon & Carmen Wyckoff, ADM Group Architects
11:10 AM 202P: Navigating Troubled Waters in Construction
The importance of planning & plotting your course to successfully deliver construction projects within your district. Learn the most common causes of wrecks and how to avoid them.
How to incorporate ‘Best Practices’ into your next project. Avoid the shallow water dangers of summer construction. Become the lighthouse beacon of delivering great construction
projects for your district.
Presented by: John Muir, Cave Creek Unified School Diistrict, Barry Chasse, Chasse Building Team, and Allison Suriano, Facility Management Group
12:00 PM Lunch
12:50 PM Afternoon Keynote Address: Be the STAR FISH in Your Organization - Mike Fisher, Littleton Elementary School District
Fresh talk about integrity, trust, responsibility, and dedication.
1:50 PM 302P: Surfs up in Roofing
This presentation will cover lifecycle of roofing systems and what new on the beach in roofing codes and products.
Presented by: Paul Rivery, Phoenix Union High School District, Mark Farrell , Nick Hadden, & Luis Rodriguez, Progressive Roofing, Dave Fisco, Garland Roofing, Larry Lind, Architechnology
2:45 PM 402P: “ICE Enhanced Thermal Storage Chiller Plant System on the Port Bow Captain”
Explanation of ice thermal storage system components, operation and interaction with electric utility rates, Benefits of ice storage in the desert, Discussion on how to determine if your
facility is a candidate for evaluation of an ice storage system as an option in lieu of a typical central plant system in a renovation/replacement situation, Information required to conduct
an analysis, Outline of proposed study to be conducted at Cave Creek Unified School District
Presented by: John Muir, Cave Creek Unified School District and Robert Wax, Ameresco