Page 15 - The Edge - Winter 2021
P. 15
Linda Virgil Sara Kirk
If You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know, Here’s Help
Cross training members of the business office is just
one way for your management team to keep operations Virgil also urged her virtual audience to become
running smoothly, especially in times like these. involved in AASBO committees. “What do you want to
learn and what do you want us to present?” Virgil said.
That was part of the valuable message in a breakout
session presented by Sara Kirk of Heinfeld Meech In order to be well organized, Kirk recommended
and Linda Virgil, Peoria Unified School District, at identifying tasks by specific areas, including, budget,
AASBO’s Virtual Annual Conference. The catchy title revenue cycle, grants management, expenditure cycle,
of their presentation: “I don’t know what I don’t know.” conflict of interest, competitive purchasing, credit
Virgil told AASBO members: “We’re facing timelines purchasing cards, employee and Governing Board
and deadlines and we need help to make sure our sites travel and transportation. Others involve human
are safe and operational. What are the statutes, the resources and payroll cycle, capital assets, student
rules, the guidelines?” activities, banking and audit preparation.
To those who might be fairly new to a school financial
position, Kirk said: “One of the biggest challenges for
business managers is knowing what needs to be done
and when it needs to be done. Pretty much everything
has a deadline.”
Missing deadlines has consequences – some can be
costly. She recommended tools to keep you and your
staff focused on key tasks and deadlines, keep track of
the status of tasks by having meetings, and establish
a policy of cross training to guarantee continuity,.
For starters, identify key tasks by frequency – daily,
weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually.
Kirk strongly recommended being familiar with the
Uniform System of Financial Records, particularly
Section 2 that covers the Calendar of Events and the
calendar for Grants Management.
Virgil cited other resources, especially AASBO and the
Auditor General. “I recommend that you take advantage
of all that AASBO has to offer,” Virgil said. “There is a
wealth of knowledge.”
She mentioned the conferences, presentations,
workshops, and classes that are being offered virtually
since face-to-face sessions are not possible now. A
great tool is the AASBO Resource Manual. “Download
it onto your desktop,” she said.