Page 10 - The Edge - Winter 2021
P. 10


                          BY STEPHANIE ARBAUGH
                          Changes in Federal Law Impact School

                          Transportation Operations
        Stephanie Arbaugh

        Transportation officials have been significantly  holders. Registration and reporting are mandatory
        challenged by the constraints on normal operations  under the new federal MAP-21 guidelines.
        during school start-up.  The fact is, though, these
        challenges aren’t going away anytime soon, so we  To determine that a person has no drug or alcohol
        can’t let them distract us from other responsibilities.  incident reports, employers must submit: (1) a
        We’ve addressed a few developments in federal law  query on new hires; and (2) an annual query on all
        that need to be attended to while we also manage  continuing CDL staff. Queries are $1.25 each or
        the pandemic.                                           $24,500 annually for unlimited use.

        The Real ID Act of 2005                                 The January 6, 2020, deadline has passed, and
                                                                your district should already have registered as an
        This federal  statute  modifies  issuance procedures  entity. The district should also be reporting positive
        and security standards for driver’s licenses and  drug and alcohol tests required under 40 CFR 382,
        other identity documents. Its greatest impact on  Subpart B. All district employees who have CDLs
        transportation operations is in the issuance of  should have registered themselves as well.
        driver’s licenses, which will have a star designation
        and new card technology to make the licenses more  Here’s why it matters to you. All positive drug or
        difficult to forge. The cost for the upgraded license  alcohol tests required under CFR 382 will need to be
        is $25.                                                 managed through the federal clearinghouse rather
                                                                than through the school district. A school district,
        It takes effect in October 2021. The new license or  therefore, will need to register as an administrator
        ID will be mandatory for travel or access to federal
        buildings.  The updated cards are available now,
        for those who want to obtain one early, or whose
        license or ID is about to expire.

        Here’s why it matters to you. School bus drives and
        bus aides working for school districts that service
        military bases or federal buildings, or who schedule
        field trips to these or similar locations, will be
        required to have the enhanced designation.

        Federal Motor Carrier Safety  Administration
        Drug & Alcohol Clearinghouse

        The clearinghouse is a secure online database used to
        report all positive drug and alcohol results required
        by 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 382,
        Subpart B, for all commercial driver license (CDL)
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