Page 7 - The Edge - Winter 2021
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Furthermore, empowering support staff to make on how to manage and organize working from
decisions, to move forward with confidence and home. Breakout sessions will include such topics
encouragement, and to take responsibility for as: Determinations - When and What You Need
ensuring the success of the operation is vital to to Include When Writing One; How to Connect
success. Another critical element of success in with Clients Remotely; GSA Contracts: The
support services is professional development. Untapped Resource; and more.
As a school district leader, you should ensure
all staff members have opportunities to grow For the Winter Conference, the keynote presenter
professionally and personally. is Arizona Auditor General Lindsey Perry, who
will discuss the importance of post-pandemic
Speaking of professional and personal growth, controls. Breakout sessions will include:
two of AASBO’s vital – and this year virtual Understanding The Single Audit Process; Remote
– conferences are on the horizon. Both will be Audits: What We’ve Learned; The New “Rs of
utilizing the same format that made our 2020 Education”; and more.
Annual Conference and Expo a success. The
Vendor/Buyer Conference is scheduled for I strongly encourage you to sign up for one or
February 9, and the Winter Conference will be both conferences.
February 23.
And so, AASBO members, working together as
The Vendor/Buyer Conference will feature, a team, we survived 2020. And, we’re ready for
as the keynote presentation, a panel of experts 2021.
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