Page 9 - The Edge - Winter 2021
P. 9

elbow-bump doesn’t cost anything,” Barragan said. She
        recommended reaching out to community groups for
        additional funds.

        Public transportation passes or tokens are not taxable if
        the value is less than $21 a month.

        If you attend a conference where meals are provided, you
        should eat there. You should not be reimbursed for meals
        away from the conference, unless for dietary reasons.
                                                                        Your K12 dream team for dining
        Travel must be an accountable plan to be non-taxable.         services and facilities management
        Any reimbursement for meals or per diem for travel
        under 50 miles or when there was no overnight stay is a
        taxable benefit, Barragan said.                              Food kids love to eat  Industry leading equipment
                                                                     The largest team of chefs & dietitians  Superior cleaning guidelines
                                                                     Fun, innovative programs  Focus on clean, safe and healthy facilities
        “The Attorney General website is
        your friend.” – Jill Barragan
                                                                          For more information please contact:
                                                                          Tyler Geopfert Chartwells Regional Sales Director
        A bus driver could be allowed to take a school bus home,          e.
        particularly in a rural area where the driver lives farthest      c. 480.500.5066
        from the district and picks up students on the way to             Nikki Crider SSC Regional Sales Director
        school and drops them off on the way home. But the                e.
                                                                          c. 480.861.6109
        driver  would  not  be  allowed to transport  other school

        The cost of life insurance coverage under $50,000 is
        exempt from being reported as wages. If the coverage
        exceeds $50,000, the cost should be included in Social   possible problem. “Go that route just to be safe,” she
        Security and Medicare taxes and federal income tax     said. “Be very cautious about doing that on regular basis
        could be withheld, Barragan explained.                 for the same people.”

         Regarding clothing, Lauzon said giving away $5 T-shirts   Meals for food service employees during or immediately
        to mark a school’s anniversary, for example, qualify as   before or after a regular meal are not taxable.
        a small cost exemption provided it’s a one-time event.   Lauzon  explained  that  membership  in  a  gym  is  not  a
        “You couldn’t give away really nice jackets,” he said.  taxable  benefit if  provided through  a  health  insurance
                                                               plan and not by the school district.
        Employer-provided clothing is generally treated as
        taxable wages unless it meets certain qualifications,   If you plan to give gift cards to an employee as an award
        Lauzon  said.  It  is  not  taxable  if  it  is  required  or   for services, Lauzon recommended having them donated
        essential to be worn as a condition of employment,     by  the  PTA  or  some  other  organization.  “You  should
        such as protective boots, glasses or hard hats. Another   have them present the award,” he said.
        exemption is if the clothing is considered unsuitable
        for  every-day  wear.  “If  it’s  so  horribly  ugly,”  Lauzon   His advice to business officials:  “When in doubt, include
        said. He recommended having a policy stating that the   it in the W2.”
        clothing must not be worn when not at work.

        Barragan said you can exclude the value of meals provided   Michael Lauzon can be reached at: (928) 556-5271 or
        on your premises if done for the district’s convenience
        and there is a substantial business reason. If it’s a meal
        for a staff meeting, check to see if the funding source   Jill Barragan can be reached at: (623) 772-5000  at
        permits such an expenditure. Barragan recommended
        seeking funding from a community partner to avoid a

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