Page 20 - The Edge - Winter 2021
P. 20

Green Cleaning Becomes More Important in Pandemic


        and maintenance staff. Brown strongly recommended      Green cleaning helps students stay healthy and ready
        purchasing products made in America. He said he was    to learn, Brown noted.
        shocked to see how reliant the U.S. is on imports for
        such things as gloves, caps and masks. While foreign-  He walked AASBO members through the five steps to
        made products may be cost-effective, he said, buying   green cleaning.
        Made in the USA reduces unnecessary transportation
        from abroad and that cuts down on air pollution.       First, prepare your school – assemble your team.
                                                               Brown said the team should include a facility manager
        “Why  go  green?”  Brown  asked.  He  said  14  million   or director of operations, someone from janitorial,
        days of school are missed every year by students with   HVAC, maintenance, the head custodian, somebody
        asthma due to poor air quality, and that switching to   to  test  products,  a  union  rep,  a  health  officer  or
        green cleaning saved a New York school district nearly   school nurse, a school board member, possibly your
        $400,000 a year, that it can expand the life of carpets   pest control contractor, teachers and parents. He also
        by 10-to-15 years, and that it can improve workplace   suggested  including  students,  who  benefit  from  a
        safety.                                                healthy environment and can make life for the cleaning
        “One thing that jumps out to me is indoor air quality,”   staff easier or more difficult.
        Brown said. “At a time with this silent enemy –
        COVID – that’s the reason why we wear masks and        The team should assess where you are today, what
        social distance.”                                      opportunities are there and the preparations needed



                                                                                           CONTINUED ON PAGE 22

        20                                                                              THE EDGE   WINTER 2021
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