Page 22 - The Edge - Winter 2021
P. 22
Green Cleaning Becomes More Important in Pandemic
to build a successful green cleaning program. How guts of the program – it involves the audit, the score,
often the team should meet depends on whether it’s the benchmark. “Find the DNA of the buildings, what
a start-up program or you’re improving an existing meets green criteria and what we can do to make it
program. “Once it’s implemented, you can cut back to better,” he said.
a couple times a year,” Brown said.
The third step involves transitioning to green
“Hand care couldn’t be more in equipment and supplies. Green cleaning tools can
reduce chemical use and increase productivity,
right now, with the heightened according to Brown, and can save your school money
awareness.” in the long run.
Step 2 involves identifying appropriate green cleaning Step 4 is adopting green cleaning training and
products. Brown said that when green cleaning procedures. Brown said you should have three main
products came out more than 20 years ago they were goals – reduce general health risks, accommodate
not very good. Today, there are plenty of affordable highly susceptible individuals, and reduce
and accessible products, and he emphasized checking environmental impact.
for third-party certifications. He called this step the
Brown called the final step the fun one, where you get
to share success stories and document your journey.
This step describes all of the ways that your school
can share the responsibility for green cleaning with
Benson Systems is a provider of Life Safety, Security, Low the community. He recommended finding additional
Benson Systems is a provider of Life Safety, Security, Low
Voltage Building Technologies, and HVAC systems, offering resources at:
Voltage Building Technologies, and HVAC systems, offering
Benson Systems is a provider of Life Safety, Security, Low
a complete suite of services including Design, Installation,
a complete suite of services including Design, Installation,
Voltage Building Technologies, and HVAC systems, offering The chemicals you use must be on the EPA list and
Support, and Maintenance.
Benson Systems is a provider of Life Safety, Security, Low
Support, and Maintenance.
a complete suite of services including Design, Installation,
the “N” list to be able to kill COVID. The most
Support, and Maintenance.
important take-away from his presentation, Brown
Voltage Building Technologies, and HVAC systems, offering
said, is how long a product needs to remain wet on a
surface to kill COVID. “It’s the dwell time, contact
a complete suite of services including Design, Installation,
time, kill time,” he said.
Support, and Maintenance. For most traditional products, it takes 5 to 10 minutes.
Prior to COVID, when a server quickly wiped a table
we felt good about that, Brown said. “For products to
work, they have to sit on a surface for certain amount
of time,” he said. “Know the kill time.” Check the EPA
and “N” lists for that information. New concentrates
can kill COVID in 60 seconds. Make sure you have
best products to do jobs.”
Josh Brown can be reached at
Life Safety Security & Mechanical, and (480) 490-6161.
Life Safety Low Voltage Mechanical,
Security &
& Fire
& Fire
Suppression Low Voltage Plumbing, Ducts
Life Safety
Suppression Security & Plumbing, Ducts
& Fire Low Voltage Electrical,
Suppression Plumbing, Ducts
Life Safety Security & Mechanical,
& Fire Low Voltage Electrical,
Suppression Plumbing, Ducts