Page 37 - The Edge - Winter 2021
P. 37

of  hearing  officers  is  the  responsibility  of  the  was totally draining and after that experience, the
         Governing Board in accordance with the statute  board said no more – we're going to get a hearing
        noted above.                                           officer!

        “For districts that are members of                     I hope this article sheds some light on the
                                                               procurement of student discipline hearing officers.
        the Arizona  Risk  Retention  Trust,  Stay well and I look forward to in-person contact
        the  Trust has a list of hearing                       in the future and the curtailment of “Brady Bunch”
                                                               Zoom meetings.  We could not have survived
        officers  they  approve  for  student  without them, but let’s hope they go back to being
        hearings.”                                             the exception and not the rule.Until next time, may
                                                               all your procurement dreams come true!

        I personally never had to deal with procurements
        for  student  discipline  hearing  officers  in  any  of  Bill Munch, CPPO, CPPB is the Procurement Compliance
        the districts I worked in. I do believe it's because  and  Training  Officer  for  Valley  Schools  Management
        the  district  either  utilized  the  Governing  Board  Group, recipient of the 2018 AASBO Bill Lovett Award
        or selected a hearing officer through the Trust.  I  and the 2016 NIGP National Purchasing Manager of the
        will note the only reason I knew that a Governing  Year.  He provides  consultation  on  public  procurement
        Board  could  be  the  hearing  officer  for  expulsion  matters for school districts and vendors across the state
        hearing is because the first year I was on the board  of Arizona and across the country. He may be reached at:
        at Tempe Elementary that's exactly what we did. It

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