Page 33 - The Edge - Winter 2021
P. 33


           OF COVERAGE                                                            Employee Benefits

                                                                                           Made Better

                                                                                              Dental & Vision
                                                                                           Wellness Programs
                                                                                         Employee Assistance
                                                                                           And so much more

                                                                                        For more information:


            example, regular exercise can help improve              group, you can help motivate each other and
            brain function and control anxiety, you’re              hold each other accountable: “I’ll tell you
            more likely to take that to heart. (You’re also         what, I’ll drive you to the doctor’s office and
            more likely to notice the benefits, because             wait for you in the lobby. When you’re done,
            you know what you’re looking for.) So, be               we can go shopping.”
            your own most convincing, most motivating
            source of information.                               5. Use the long haul to your advantage. Do you
                                                                    ever have that dream where you sleep through
          3. Don’t try to do it all right now. When you             the final exam and fail the class? Fortunately,
            decide to make a change, it’s easy to want to           your health isn’t like that. If you skip your
            take on all of your bad habits at once. But that        workout today, or watch a movie instead of
            can end up overloading the system. Instead,             getting your flu shot, or put off scheduling
            pick one or two issues and start making                 your colonoscopy, that’s OK. Unlike that
            progress on them. When those new habits are             final exam, you can make the situation right
            engrained, move on to the next issue.                   tomorrow (or even later today!).

          4.  Find  a  buddy. All  of  us  can  be  masters  at  There you go: a handful of tips to help you get
            rationalization: “I know I should go in for my  in that prevention mindset. Now go out there and
            wellness exam, but I’m crazy busy at work.  make future you proud.
            Things  will  settle  down  in  January.  I’ll  go
            then.” Will  you,  though?  Maybe.  Or  maybe
            you’ll find another excuse (“I need to shed a  For more information contact Tara Zika, Kairos Health
            few holiday pounds before I go in.”) If you  Arizona,  Inc.,  at: or
            align yourself with a partner, or even better, a  (602) 845-6158.

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