Page 32 - The Edge - Winter 2021
P. 32


                          BY HANNAH OLSON

                          Want to Be Healthy – or at Least Healthier?

                          Here’s How!
        Hannah Olson

        Meet the usual suspects for improving your  work, and you saw the results. That’s motivating.
        health. Don’t use tobacco.  Watch your weight.  Prevention doesn’t work that way.  With
        Exercise. Drink moderately (if you drink at all).  prevention, your actions may not make things
        Surround yourself with people who love you.  better; often, they just keep them from getting
        Actively manage stress. Get vaccinated. Get your  worse. Sometimes, it can feel like a lot of work
        recommended tests and screenings, including  just to maintain the status quo. On top of that, the
        blood pressure, mammograms, colonoscopies,  bad things you’re avoiding may be decades down
        PSA, etc.                                               the road. It can be hard to get “present you” to
                                                                worry about a “future you” problem.
        You know these things. Even so, there’s lots of
        research out there showing that millions of us  But present you and future you are the same
        don’t log as much treadmill time as we should, eat  person. And you know you want the best for both
        as many mung beans as we should, or sit in that  of you. So, how can you adjust your thinking to
        chilly examination room as often as we should.          help take the preventive health steps you know
                                                                you should?
        It makes for an interesting paradox.  We know
        these things are good for us. We want good things  There  are no magic bullets, but here are a few
        for ourselves. And yet we don’t do them.                tips, courtesy of Psychology Today:

        The fact is, the psychology of prevention can             1. Realize that it’s not all deferred gratification.
        be tricky.  To see why, think about its opposite:           It’s true that most preventive health measures
                                                                    are designed to avoid longer-term problems.
        Let’s  say  you’re  a  little  overweight.  So,  on         But there are short-term benefits, too. Did
        Monday you have a salad instead of a chalupa.               you ever work out and feel great an hour
        On  Wednesday you go for a walk instead of                  later, and then sleep like a koala that night?
        napping on the floor. On Friday you have a nice             Did you ever say no to that extra whiskey on
        glass of wine rather than a bottomless margarita.           Saturday and wake up Sunday full of energy?
        On Sunday you order the grilled chicken wings               Did you ever get a clean bill of health after
        instead of the fried ones. (And you don’t try to            an annual physical and have peace of mind
        beat your cousin’s wing-eating record.)                     for weeks? These are the kinds of short-term
                                                                    benefits you  can  enjoy  by  doing  the right
        “We know these things are good                              thing for yourself over the longer term.
        for us.  We want good things for                          2. Get educated. When you were a kid, you may

        ourselves.  And yet we don’t do                             have heard this from a parent: “Because I
                                                                    said so.”  That never motivated anyone. It’s
        them.”                                                      the same way with your health. Medical

                                                                    authorities telling you, “Because I said so”
        When you get on the scale on Monday morning,                may not get you off the couch. But if you learn,
        you’ve lost a couple of pounds. You put in the              understand, and believe for yourself that, for

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