Page 44 - Mancave Sept 2021.cdr
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complications following COVID-19 infection; a            If you are suffering with unexplained pain or discomfort
        comprehensive assessment should be your primary port     you might be referred for a chest x-ray with an ECG. In
        of call. The optimal timing of post-COVID-19 evaluations   extreme cases where abnormalities are detected and/or
        depends on the severity of the illness suffered, current   symptoms are present further cardiac tests, such as an
        symptoms, age, co-morbid risk factors, and resource      echocardiography (real time moving pictures of the
        availability. Your comprehensive medical history and     heart) or Holter monitoring (24-hour ECG) might be
        history of COVID-19 illness should form the basis of a   requested – these are specialised tests done mostly by
        post-COVID evaluation.                                   a cardiologist.
        Let's focus on you, the patient who suffered             Dizziness, decreased blood pressure, and fainting may
        asymptomatic, mild, acute and hopefully non-             also be related to abnormalities of the heart post-COVID
        hospitalised COVID and the suggested screening to        infection. This could be caused by an elevated heart
        determine the safe return to activities of daily living,   rate or abnormal blood pressure. A blood pressure
        exercise, and sport.                                     reading should be a standard screening with any
                                                                 healthcare consult.
        At the heart of it (Cardiac testing)
                                                                 The common belief is that small cardiac related
        Cardiomyopathy (disease of the heart muscle) or          disorders following COVID-19 will resolve with time and
        myocarditis (an inflammatory disorder of the heart)       accurate, graded return or management of physical
        appears to be the greatest reported danger to the heart   activity and heart rate. Conservative management of
        post-COVID. A supervised or graded return to sport can   exercise, the use of compression socks, hydration
        reduce your risk of a cardiovascular disorder or         management, physical therapy, and in extreme cases
        permanent damage to the heart muscle.                    medications prescribed by your doctor, all contribute
                                                                 toward a safe cardiac recovery.
        The minimum risk screening for heart damage is a
        resting ECG, and then a stress ECG. Your local general   Take a breath (Lung function testing)
        practitioner (GP) or Biokineticist can do an ECG
        regardless of symptoms present. A standard 12-lead       Pulmonary embolisms (blood clot in the lung),
        (don't expect to see more than 10 cables/electrodes      permanent scarring of the lung tissue and infections/
        though) ECG can be used to determine changes or          scarring in the lungs have been reported by thousands
        abnormalities in the electrical functioning of the heart.   of patients recovering from COVID-19.
        An abnormal ECG indicates either damage/risk to the
        heart muscle or the neural branches of the heart. This   If you are not experiencing breathing symptoms (or
        would interfere with the electrical pathways required to   experiencing mild symptoms), the need for special
        make your heartbeat normally.                            pulmonary function tests (PFTs) should be
                                                                 unnecessary, a pulse oximeter can be used to
                                                                                                                               determine oxygen saturation (SpO2). Pulse oximeters      Talk of the town is that you will develop a pulmonary
                                                                                                                               are widely available online and at chemists, and most    embolism or a blood clot elsewhere after having covid…
                                                                                                                               can be used to monitor your heart rate. The normal       wrong!! While COVID-19 might demonstrate blood
                                                                                                                               value for an SpO2 should be greater than 95% oxygen      clotting risk (in laboratory blood testing) during your
                                                                                                                               saturation.                                              infection; the duration of this risk is clinically unknown
                                                                                                                                                                                        and should be managed case-to-case in the recovery
                                                                                                                               Should your pulse oximetry consistently be below 95%     phase. The risk of deep venous thromboses (DVT),
                                                                                                                               and you have persistent, or new shortness of breath or   pulmonary embolism, or arterial thromboses (blood clot
                                                                                                                               shallow breathing; a full computer-based spirometry      in an artery) is present during the symptomatic stage of
                                                                                                                               (lung function) should be performed to determine your    the illness but there is no evidence of the duration of
                                                                                                                               exact lung volume and functioning (according to height,   this risk. Blood testing, such as D-Dimers might be
                                                                                                                               weight, gender, and cultural group (yip, we all have     indicated if unexplained breathlessness is still present
                                                                                                                               norms)). A computer-based spirometry test will           after 10-days of infection. Your doctor might prescribe
                                                                                                                               determine your maximal exhalation and maximal            an anticoagulant medication or a blood thinner if this
                                                                                                                               inhalation for the management of any neuromuscular       risk is still indicated by laboratory-based testing.
                                                                                                                               weakness and/or lung damage and exercise
                                                                                                                               prescription (for lung rehabilitation). If access to
                                                                                                                               computer-based testing is an issue – a simple peak flow   I'm just tired of being tired
                                                                                                                               meter could assist your healthcare provider in
                                                                                                                               determining of your lung function norms.                 By far the most common lingering effect you will
                                                                                                                                                                                        experience from COVID-19 is fatigue. This fatigue has
                                                                                                                               Whilst decreased lung function has been proven to        many causes including oxygen and sleep deprivation,
                                                                                                                               improve over time (with the application of correct       cardiac function, lung function and psychology. You
                                                                                                                               breathing exercises, “breathlessness                     should undergo a full (physical) functional analysis post-
                                                                                                                               management”/deep breathing and a full body stretching    infection and be monitored throughout recovery until
                                                                                                                               programme) this is likely to be a slow process. Your     return to normal activities of daily living is achieved
                                                                                                                               lung function should have been managed from day one      (feeding, dressing, bathing, toilet runs, driving,
                                                                                                                               of COVID-19 infection and should continue until it       housekeeping, return to work, grocery shopping and
                                                                                                                               returns to normal. The use of non-steroidal anti-        even sporting activities). An assessment of the loss of
                                                                                                                               inflammatory and bronchodilator type drugs might be       function and level of assistance required for activities of
                                                                                                                               suggested to improve lung function but should only be    daily living will guide your rehabilitation plan.
                                                                                                                               done so under the supervision of your treating doctor.   A supervised six-minute walk test (which could form part
                                                                                                                                                                                        of your ECG stress and a lung function screening)
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