Page 47 - Mancave Sept 2021.cdr
P. 47

should be performed if you are struggling with fatigue. If   COVID left a bad taste?  The generally accepted guideline for laboratory testing
 you are unable to perform a walk test, a timed up and   is:        LONG-TERM EFFECTS
 go test and/or repeated chair stand test, are standard   Olfactory (smell) or gustatory (taste) effects are the   •  FBC – Full blood count just to check the bloods all
 testing protocols which should be applied. Manual   most common signs of infection for the COVID-19 virus.   round
 muscle testing (MMT) should be performed to determine   The degree to which you lose your senses of   •  Blood chemistry - including electrolytes to determine   OF COVID-19
 muscle and strength loss. Again, a GP or Biokineticist is   taste/smell, and the duration of this loss will vary from   fluids and organ function
 most probably your best port of call for this screening.  others. While the loss of these senses might be a   •  D-dimers – to determine the risk of blood clotting
 nuisance at worst, this could lead to unintentional weight   diseases
 Your functional capacity (and progress) should be used   loss due to a lack of interest in food or hydration.  •  Additional laboratory tests which might be
 to guide your personalised rehabilitation programme.   appropriate for certain patients may include
 Energy conservation plans, such as well-planned days,   If you are suffering from nausea and diarrhoea   •  Inflammatory markers – to determine any remaining
 pacing and prioritisation of activities, should be put in   (gastrointestinal effects) this too may lead to weight loss   inflammation/damage
 place to reduce your fatigue.  and improper inadequate nutrition management during   •  Thyroid studies in those with unexplained fatigue or
 and post illness. Prolonged, new, or increasing   weakness.
 Just think about it (the neural system)  nausea/diarrhoea should lead to you considering
 laboratory testing for cultures (to determine correct   For the diabetics
 COVID-19 has been largely connected with neurologic   antibiotic use for the purpose of beating the culture).
 (nervous system) complications. Decreased   If you have always suffered with mild diabetes, you are
 oxygenation to the brain and nerves, and sleep   A nutritional assessment or diet plan from a dietician   at risk of becoming insulin-dependent or developing a
 deprivation during illness may have led to concentration   could assist in healthy re-gaining of lost weight or   greater requirement for insulin during COVID-19 illness.
 or memory problems, commonly referred to as “brain-  nutrition or rectifying BMI (Body Mass Index) to a   In the odd, rare case, patients who might have been
 fog”. Decreased oxygenation can lead to muscular   healthy weight. This could be beneficial to some of us,   borderline or unaware of their diabetes risk may become
 weakness, seizures and even strokes.  regardless of COVID-19.  newly diagnosed.
 Your complete neurological history and examination
 (mental status, depression and anxiety questionnaires,   Take the lab for a walk  Your normal diabetic treatment regimes, blood glucose
 reflexes, coordination, and sensory examinations,   and insulin usage may be monitored by your nurse or
 walking and postural assessments) should be done to   Laboratory testing should not be necessary if you are   doctor. Finger-prick or lab based fasting glucose tests
 determine any remaining effects of the infection and the   completely symptom free. If laboratory tests were   are unusual in post-COVID testing – but should be
 impact which they might have on your functioning.   performed during your illness; those test results should   screened in everyone.
 be a guideline for your doctor on re-testing post-illness.
 Imaging of your brain and it's functioning is not   Any abnormalities in your bloodwork during illness   Antibody and Antigens
 recommended unless there are unexplained deficits or   should be an alarm for retesting the same bloodwork
 concern unrelated to your COVID illness. Referral for   during recovery. If you present with unexplained   There is no clinical use in having antibody (produced by
 neuropsychologist or a speech therapist for   continuing symptoms however, laboratory testing, if   the human body - triggered by antigens) or antigen
 assessments and management would only appropriate   advised by your doctor could be done to determine any   (proteins that exist on the outer shell of the virus itself)
 if you are suffering from prolonged brain-fog or   unresolved abnormalities.   tests performed if you have had COVID-19 diagnosed
 neurological issues. A referral for the management of   with a PCR test (Lab based polymerase chain reaction
 depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress, or sleep   swab). If you suspect you may have had undiagnosed
 disorders may be recommended depending on your   COVID-19 you might find some value in an antibody test
 concerns and the healthcare professional's scope of   to determine the presence of antibodies for the virus.
       To the Executive Summary

       The management of long-term effects and psychological
       disorders post-COVID-19 is a “swept under the rug”
       aspect due to the lack of clinical knowledge. It is
       important for you to undergo cardiovascular, lung
       function, physical functioning, neurological and
       laboratory (as advised) screening post COVID-19 Illness.
       Your nutrition, hydration, sleep management and
       physiological health can all affect your recovery. Whilst
       the jury is still out regarding certain medications and
       supplements for the prevention, management, and
       recovery of COVID-19, these should be administered
       under the guidance of your healthcare professional to
       ensure safety.

       COVID-19 is not over but you can manage it. Get
       screened, mask up, wash up, stay home, stay safe.
       Ensure that you are up to date with your vaccinations,
       maintain your nutrition, sleep and health, exercise
       regularly and always stay positive, but test negative!

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