Page 56 - Mancave Sept 2021.cdr
P. 56

•   It allows for very structured and targeted workouts to   •  Employ a nutrition strategy that complements the
           take place without having the distraction of traffic,     duration and intensity of the workout you're doing.
           road furniture, weather, and routes.                     High intensity workouts and sessions over 120mins
                                                                    will require a focus more on carbohydrate fueling
       •   When I'm pushed for time, an indoor workout              pre, during and post workout, whereas lower
           provides the most time efficient option for a high-       intensity, more endurance-based workouts of
           quality session.                                         60mins can be done on water/electrolyte solutions
                                                                    and can be done in a fasted state. Your nutrition is
       •   When it's not possible to venture outdoors due to        key to feeling good on the bike and giving your body
           weather, safety concerns, or family constraints, it      the support to make improvements, so this is a vital
           means not having to opt-out. I can still get my          aspect.
           workout done.
                                                               •    ALWAYS use a fan (winter and summer)! Having
       •   Through the various apps that are available to train     open windows and doors is good for circulation of air
           with using my Smart Trainer, I can be part of a          but you absolutely need a fan on you to ensure
           broader cycling community which helps with               movement of air over your skin to facilitate sweat
           motivation and encouragement.                            evaporation and cooling. Without a fan you will find
                                                                    that you overheat, sweat much more, and your
       •   Connecting online through these apps also means I        heartrate will be unduly elevated for your effort. This
           can connect and ride with friends and clients from all   makes the workout less effective and just puts far
           over the country and even the world.                     more stress on the body than is necessary.

       And so, with the case for indoor training clearly stated,   •  You need an uninterrupted Wi-Fi connection when
       make sure you have the following in place to make your       using a Smart Trainer with an app, so make sure
       training is as productive and pleasant as possible:          this is available and stable before getting all kitted
       •   As a starting point, make sure to complete a
           Functional Threshold Power (FTP) Test to determine   If you're unsure of getting yourself set-up on your Smart
           your correct power training level. There are various   Trainer or if the numbers are a bit baffling and nothing is
           protocols of such tests and many of the training    making sense, get in touch with a certified coach who can
           apps (Zwift, Rouvy, TrainerRoad) have their own     help you navigate through the process and help with a
           versions of these tests that can be carried out and   periodized training program to make your training count!
           results calculated in-app.

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