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P. 325

Modern Geomatics Technologies and Applications

          4-3 Criteria for the evaluation of segmentation results Qualitative Criteria

          A strong and experienced source for evaluation of segmentation techniques is the human eye. As segmentation procedures
          are  used  for  the  automation  of  image  analysis  applications  they  are  replacing  the  activity  of  visual  digitizing.  No
          segmentation result even if quantitatively proofed will  convince if it does not satisfy the human eye. One important

          prerequisite to reach this goal is the consistent handling of local contrasts. Another is the segmentation of image regions
          of a more or less similar dimension. A further important criterion for evaluation is the information extracted from image
          objects for further successful processing.

          Quantitative Criteria

          The average heterogeneity of pixels should be minimized. Each pixel is weighted with the heterogeneity of the image
          object to which it belongs. [6]

          4-4 Fuzzy classification theory for object-oriented image analysis:
          To compare different object features like color and size as well as uncertain statements, fuzzy logic functions are used for
          classification.  The  fuzzy  realization  of  the  nearest  neighbour  approach-which  is  used  in  eCognition-automatically
          generates multidimensional membership functions. They are suitable for covering relations in multidimensional feature

          space. However, all class assignment in eCognition is determined by assignment values in the range 0 (no assignment) to
          1 (full assignment). The closer an image object is located in the feature space to a class sample, the higher the membership
          degree to this class. [4, 5, 6]
          5- Results

          Results of object-oriented image analysis
          Object-oriented image analysis procedure includes three stages of image segmentation, classification, and evaluation which
          their related results are shown:
          5-1 Segmentation results
          Segmentation is the  most important stage of the  object-oriented classification procedure for obtaining optimal initial
          materials for the analysis, according to the roles of adjustable parameters in multiresolution segmentation. By applying the
          trial and error method, the optimal parameters are defined for image segmentation. The optimal parameters for the study

          area are shown in table 1
                                  Table 1 .The optimal parameters of image Segmentation for the study area
                                Image           SP        Color     Smoothness    weight
                                IRS-LISS        2         0.7       0.3           3

                                IRS-PAN         4         0.9       0.1           3

                                IKONOS-PAN      35        0.9       0.1           1

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