Page 42 - OTF Spring Summer 2022 Programme Catalogue Final_Neat
P. 42


       So Hot Right Now                                        AI Rangers

       Want to take action RIGHT NOW to tackle the climate     South  Africa  is  one  of  the  last  strongholds  of  the
       crisis? But feeling overwhelmed? ‘So Hot Right Now’     rhino. This has made it one of the biggest targets for
       is  your  4-minute  ‘wisdom  pill’  from  the  best  in  the   poachers  on  the  planet.  Rangers  are  facing  a  war
       business  at  fighting  the  climate  crisis.  From  climate   where they must use every trick up their sleeve – and
       justice  to  ocean  activism,  this  series  of  animated   one man has developed a high-tech solution to stop
       short films tackles key issues and provides inspiration   poachers in their tracks. Using cutting edge artificial
       for  personal  development  on  climate  action.  Hear   intelligence and cameras that provide around-the-
       from guests including trailblazing climate negotiator   clock  monitoring.  Brett  has  built  a  new  system  that
       Christiana Figueres, journalist turned Big Oil activist Bill   provides  early  detection  and  real-time  response  to
       McKibben  and  ‘professional  troublemaker’  George     any intruder. Boosted by these latest innovations, the
       Monbiot. Hosted by environmental broadcaster Lucy       reserve has had zero poaching to date.
       Siegle and filmmaker Tom Mustill.

       Genre:   WaterBear Original Series                      Genre:   WaterBear Impact Productions
       Format:   5 x 4’ (Avg) / HD / 2020                      Format:   1 x 4’ / HD / 2022
       Credits:  WaterBear Network                             Credits:   WaterBear Network

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