Page 47 - OTF Spring Summer 2022 Programme Catalogue Final_Neat
P. 47


       Defenders Of The Deep                                   Europe’s Secret Eden: Polesia

       An inspiring story of the personal resilience it takes for   Polesia  -  a  wilderness  without  borders  that  spans
       a life lived on the frontline of conservation activism.   Poland, Belarus, Ukraine and Russia. It’s currently under
       Greenpeace boat driver, Jetske Nagtglas, recounts       threat from a planned industrial waterway linking the
       her  experiences  fighting  whaling  in  Antarctica  and   Baltic  Sea  to  the  Black  Sea.  This  involves  dredging
       her unique encounters with the animals she’s saving.    2000km  of  riverbed  and  stirring  up  radioactive  silt
                                                               which  settled  after  Chernobyl,  which  could  poison
                                                               the water supply of 20 million people living in Ukraine’s
                                                               capital Kiev. The issue has gathered attention, and
                                                               the  resistance  of  international  organisations  and
                                                               local  people.  Uniting  everyone’s  voices  to  spread
                                                               awareness  about  this  secluded  region  can  turn  its
                                                               fate around.

       Genre:   WaterBear Impact Productions                   Genre:   WaterBear Impact Productions
       Format:   1 x 6’ / HD / 2021                            Format:   1 x 5’ / HD / 2020
       Credits:  WaterBear Network                             Credits:   WaterBear Network

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